How to Start Living Zero Waste!


An introduction to a plastic-free Life.

160,000 plastic bags are used globally every second! 5 trillion plastic bags are produced yearly. Side by side, they can encircle the world 7 times. Photo by: Christine Wehrmeier

We have a serious problem with waste. We are producing gigantic amounts of it. Total waste in the world is enormous. Every year we dump a massive 2.12 billion tons of waste. If all this waste was put on trucks they would go around the world 24 times.

Alone in the US, Over 2,000 landfills are currently open. And you know what? Landfills are among the biggest contributors to soil pollution — roughly 80% of the items buried in landfills could be recycled.

Over 44% of all seabirds have ingested or become entangled in plastic. Photo by: Wolfgang Hasselmann

If we would recycle only one plastic bottle it could save enough energy to run a 100-watt bulb for 4 hours. It also creates 20% less air pollution and 50% less water pollution that would be created when making a new bottle.

There are 25 trillion pieces of plastic debris in the ocean. Of that, 269,000 tons float on the surface, while some four billion plastic microfibers per square kilometer litter the deep sea.

After facing all those facts, is there actually something you could do? The answer is YES!

How to live a zero waste lifestyle? The 4´R Model is a great guide to getting started:

  1. Refuse
  2. Reduce
  3. Reuse
  4. Recycle


The first step towards a waste-free life is by learning to say no to straws, to plastic bottles, to plastic bags and to-go cups etc. It´s very simple: The more we accept all those things that will inevitably end up in landfills, the more demand we generate for those unsustainable things. In the long run, those low-quality items will cost you even more than buying a good quality one from the start. Start investing in a high-quality water bottle.


Are you truly wearing all the clothes in your dresser? Do you need another pair of sneakers?

We all have a lot of things at home we never use. Why? Because we buy on impulse. Start reducing your overall consumption and simplify your life.

Reuse & Repair

Try to fix damaged goods instead of throwing them away. You will not only learn to appreciate your belongings but you will actually do something good or maybe learn a new skill like sewing. Also, it´s very easy to replace disposables:

1. Bottled water — a good quality glass or stainless steel water bottle (preferably plastic-free or at least BPA-free) and tap water.

2. Tea bags — loose tea and a tea strainer/ french press

3. Paper towels — microfibre or cotton cloths

4. Disposable razors — electric shaver, straight-edge razor, double-blade razor

5. Pack your lunches in reusable food containers and shop with reusable


Check out the link to learn how to recycle.

Let´s see what your company can do to make our planet a little greener.

1. Invest in Online online marketing instead of a print flyer

2. Bring Your Lunch — According to, disposable lunches (to-go packaging, plastic utensils, etc) generate 100 pounds of trash per person annually. Check out these waste-free lunch supplies from and save some waste and money as well.

3. Go Digital — The average office worker uses two pounds of paper per day! Take notes on your laptop and communicate with your colleague’s via e-mail rather than using paper.

4. Recycle! — Unless your office has gone completely paper-less, chances are there are stacks of paper that could be recycled. While reusable water bottles are the BEST option, any plastic water bottles should be recycled as well. Introduce a recycling bin to your office, you can even make a game out of it with help from Recyclebank.

Photo by: Pedro Aguilar

Brands to watch

Leading green companies and influencer are becoming zero-waste. Take a look at some of them:

Zero Waste Co

Is a woman-owned sustainability consulting firm specialized in developing and implementing waste minimization programs that reduce the environmental impact of any event.

Trash is for tossers

Behind the blog stands Lauren Singer. She lives a Zero Waste lifestyle in New York City.

Bea Johnson

Her blog turned into a bestselling book. Bea Johnson and her family have debunked misconceptions and inspired a global movement.




Oscar Bóbolo | Branding with Appetite

Studio Oscar Bóbolo is a boutique brand consultancy dedicated exclusively to food and drink branding. We call it Branding With Appetite.