Goodbye to Bing: why continue using the Microsoft search engine after the security breach scandal

2 min readMay 3, 2023

Did you know that Bing, the Microsoft search engine, has recently suffered a serious security breach that has exposed the personal data of millions of users? In this article we tell you all the details of this computer scandal that has put one of the most powerful companies in the world in check.
It all started when an anonymous hacker posted on a specialized forum a link to a database containing sensitive information about Bing users, such as their search histories, IP addresses, emails, and passwords. The hacker claimed that he had accessed the database through a simple brute force attack, taking advantage of Bing’s weak protection. According to the hacker, Bing used an outdated and easily broken encryption algorithm, which is surprising coming from a company that is supposed to be a leader in technological innovation.
The news spread quickly across social media and in the media, sparking outrage among Bing users, who felt betrayed and vulnerable. Many of them decided to delete their Bing accounts and switch to other more secure search engines, such as Google or DuckDuckGo. Others demanded financial compensation from Microsoft for the damage caused and threatened to sue the company for negligence and violation of privacy.
Microsoft reacted late and badly to the crisis. At first, he tried to minimize the scope of the bug and denied that it had affected so many users. It then acknowledged its responsibility and publicly apologized, promising to improve Bing’s security and offering a free year of its premium service to affected users. However, these measures did not convince anyone and only served to increase the distrust of Bing.

In short, the Bing security breach has been one of the biggest computer scandals in recent times, seriously damaging Microsoft’s reputation and credibility. In my opinion, this case shows that we cannot blindly trust search engines and that we must protect our personal information carefully. And you do you think? Are you still using Bing or have you switched to another search engine? Do you think Microsoft has acted correctly or should it do more to compensate users?

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👋 Informático experto en análisis de datos y controller. Uso SAP BI/BW, Power BI, Python y R. Trabajo en JCDecaux. Antes en Gonvarri e IdLogistic.