Mini Planet Part 0.1 — Car AI

Oscar Tong
1 min readJul 29, 2016


In a recent project, I need to create a mini low poly style planet. On which is fill with mini people driving mini cars around. The simplest way of course is to setup every models and every animations manually, but that would without doubt be f**king boring and tedious and no dynamic at all. Thus I am trying to create a procedurally generated open world.

The first thing comes to my mind is that I’m gonna need some AI. The gif below is a snapshot of the AI-cars I created for this project. They can detect the road below them to determine whether to drive forward or make a turn. They also “see” the surrounding to avoid bump into other cars or people on the street.

I’ll write a series of articles along developing the project to share any interesting ideas and coding stuffs :)

