Owusu Badu
5 min readNov 23, 2023

When he said: “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do”, he was referring to himself.

In the heart of Silicon Valley, where creativity and brilliance come together to create magic, we find a unique and iconic figure- the legendary Steve Jobs. Born in 1955, Jobs was a visionary, whose childhood curiosities would eventually pave the way for an epic journey of transformation

His story didn’t begin in a fancy mansion with chandeliers winking at you, but in the humble garage of his parents’ home, where cobwebs were the unofficial roommates. The spot that would sprout the seeds of his visionary mindset. The dynamic duo, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, bringing their own guitar to the tech symphony, gave birth to the first Apple computer. It was a revolution fueled by obsession and a rebellious act against the status quo of the industry.

Steve Jobs standing infront of His parent’s garage
Paul and Clara’s Garage

Early days at Apple

“We were just a bunch of young kids who loved computers. We didn’t have a lot of money, but we had a lot of dreams” Jobs declared.

On January 24, 1984, Apple introduced the Macintosh, a groundbreaking product. Featuring a graphical user interface (GUI) it was far easier to use than the command-line interfaces that were common at the time. The Macintosh was the disruptor-in-chief, turning computers from nerdy gadgets into everyday essentials. It made computers accessible to the masses and set the stage for how we navigate the digital world today.

A Guy Who Perseveres

Steve is always seen to be that successful guy, yet he has pretty absurd failures. Before the Macintosh, Apple released Lisa in 1983, considered one of their biggest flops. Jobs had other challenges including being ousted from his own company, after several clashes with his board. This led him to found new companies like NEXT, and PIXAR.

He once affirmed, “I’m convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.” It truly depicts how tenacious he was.

The Unsung Heroes

The Early Apple Team

Nothing great is built alone. Jobs was lucky to have had access to the smartest folks. From Jony Ive, Mike Makkurla, Alan Kay, and several others, Apple would not be the Iconic Apple we know today.

Jobs relationship with Mike was like a father-son relationship. “Mike really took me under his wing. His values were much aligned with mine”. Mike developed Apple’s marketing style used to date.

Jony Ive, the design wizard at Apple until 2019, was indisputably Steve’s soulmate at Apple. They had very similar tastes which made the vibe so well. From designing the iPhones, iMacs, and iPads — basically the whole iGang — Ive was that guy Apple couldn’t do away with.

The Steve Jobs Philosophy

1. Simplicity in Design

Being a minimalist, His rule was; if it doesn’t serve any purpose, it should be eliminated. Even on his deathbed at the hospital, he used to criticize how things were poorly designed and forced the hospital to change some of its protocols. In short: He would rather go unhealthy than be treated in a style that goes against his philosophy. Some people found his perfectionism to be cruel. Yet, his approach turned out to be Apple’s major competitive advantage.

2. Focus

Jobs was notoriously known for his hyperfocus. He believed in putting effort into one thing at a time and making it great.

When He returned to Apple in 1997, he discontinued several product lines that were considered to be distractions from Apple’s core business, and he streamlined the company’s operations to focus on a smaller number of products. This approach has helped Apple to deliver quality products and services consistently.

“People think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on. But that’s not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully.”

3. Branding

Why does Apple still dominate the market even though its recent products are not so innovative? The secret? A strong brand image meticulously cultivated since the 1980s. Back in the day, they started with the “Think Different” campaign, telling everyone they were here to change the norm.

This approach not only won passionate fans but nurtured a community ready to defy norms, elevating Apple from a mere product maker.

Fast forward to the 2000s, Apple invested in influencer marketing, making it seem like celebs preferred their products; this turned Apple into a symbol of wealth and status, a trend that still captures consumers’ attention.

Take the latest iPhones, for instance — many people aren’t necessarily buying them for the features; They just want the three cameras at the back to tell others how flashy they are.

To conclude;

Even though Steve Jobs passed away over a decade ago, his ideas will continue to inspire our generation and beyond.

To those who dare to dream, to those who believe in the power of their ideas, and to those who are not afraid to challenge the status quo, the world awaits your unique contributions and your unwavering spirit. Seize the opportunity, ignite your passion, and leave your indelible mark on the universe.

If you really want to do something, you will find a way. If you don’t, you will find an excuse.