Soul Contract (Or How I Learned To Love Myself )

Osha Key
4 min readFeb 14, 2019


Osha Key,

Once upon a time….
…in a different dimension, where time doesn’t exist (did I say “once upon a TIME” lol) and where things are really weird because there are NO things, two spirits met for a coffee.

They had a decent conversation and a good laugh, and decided to help each other.

“Can you help me understand what the true SELF-LOVE is?” — asked one spirit.

“Sure” — said the other.

And the spirit who asked for help, got really excited and thrilled and couldn’t wait to come to the Earth to experience all this amazing self-love, self-acceptance and the beauty of life.

It clearly didn’t know what it was getting into.

Well, the spirit knew, of course. But its HUMAN EARTHBOUND FORM had no frigging clue. Because of the ‘forgetfulness veil’ that is always put on humans before being born. It serves a special purpose, without which, things couldn’t unfold as they’re meant to.

So they both forgot and came for an adventure to the Earth. They came at slightly different times and different places, because that served the purpose of the contract.

The spirit who wanted to learn was now called Charlie Skye, and the “teacher spirit” was residing in a human named Max Stardust. Maybe it was a woman, maybe a man, maybe her partner, brother, mother, sister, father, teacher or a friend. Can’t remember now.

Max’s light was as bright as the summer sun, and like the sun, it both warmed and burnt.

Charlie was a kind of girl who couldn’t continue for long to exist sanely without love. On the other hand, love didn’t bring much sanity to her world either. And somehow still, with a help of magic, she managed to remain sane.

It turns out that Max’s role was to reject, but at the same time provoke Charlie’s longing for love.

Oh, that longing was strong. And the rejection was painful.
Rejection breeds obsession. That’s just the truth of human condition.

She couldn’t help it — it was much like gravity. As much as you wish to float in the air, the gravity gets you. Being an optimist as she was, Charlie tried hard to bury the feelings, yet the mystic force was stronger than her will.

The Life was trying to make her bitter, but without result, since there was nothing in her heart but love.

And so the rejection happened over and over again, until one day an insight hit her like a wall of bricks, and that earthbound Charlie realized, that what she really longed for was HER OWN love, acceptance, validation, respect and approval.

Because when those two spirits initially met, they were actually just two aspects of One Self. In fact, they have known each other for three eternities already. I know, it sounds pretty crazy! But that’s just how things work in a different dimension. (Plus, the coffee part was completely made up. Everyone drinks only fresh coconuts and green juice over there).

So whenever Charlie started longing for Max’s LIGHT, she quickly recognized that all she was truly yearning for, was HER OWN light, love and kindness.

And so she gave it to herself, unapologetically, shamelessly and fiercely. Even though people criticized and blamed her for being selfish. Maybe even Max blamed her a little bit. Because, you know, forgetfulness veil functions almost flawlessly. Almost…

So it wasn’t always easy for that little earthbound. But she was a brave spirit inside.

Even when she was rejected, neglected, ignored or misunderstood, she stood tall, holding the love of the whole Universe within.

And although she was once upset about Max Stardust, whom she longed for but didn’t get approval from, now she recognized that this person was her “SELF-LOVE RADAR”. This “radar” worked in a way that whenever the longing for Max’s light showed up, it was a sign that she had got too distracted and had forgotten to nurture and love herself. What a perfect reminder that Max was!

And now Charlie Skye was overwhelmed with gratitude, warmth and a different kind of love towards Max. That kind is called unconditional. You should try it sometime ;)

Do you see how clever Max’s spirit’s helping plan was? Pretty crafty, I know!

We all have “self-love radars” in our lives.

Have YOU met/recognized yours yet?

Text by Osha Key
Inspiration: Life
Written 28 July 2016

About the Author

Osha Key is a Transformation Coach and Business Mentor who helps women revolutionize their lives by using unique tools to change their identity, tap into their limitless potential and connect to their purpose in life.

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Osha Key

Osha Key is a Transformation Coach, Author and Business Mentor. Start transforming your body and life at