WhatsApp Business API — All You Need to Know

Osheen Kharbanda
3 min readSep 28, 2021

The advancement in technology makes us realize how far we have come over the last couple of decades. WhatsApp is popularly known by most as an instant messaging tool to stay connected with family, friends, and acquaintances on a consumer level. But some must have also realized that it goes above individual use and have begun to use it to reach businesses for customer service-related inquiries. WhatsApp has two terminals — WhatsApp Business App & WhatsApp Business API. So, if you’re a micro/small business, you’re perhaps already using the WhatsApp Business application yourself to answer queries. There’s no doubt that the free app offers plenty of handy features for small businesses and owners. To scale up your business, you may start to find the features limiting and lacking and be on the quest for more advanced features.

WhatsApp Business API

What is the WhatsApp Business API?

WhatsApp Business API powers your interaction with customers universally so that medium and large businesses can connect with them on WhatsApp in a simple, secure, and reliable way. Since it’s an API, there’s no app or front-end interface. Alternatively, it requires end-users to take the WhatsApp API endpoint and combine it into their business software. Companies wanting to utilize WhatsApp Business Chatbot API are expected to use third-party services called Business Solution Providers (BSPs) or WhatsApp Partners like yellow.ai. It becomes easier to get approval for a Business API account by applying through them. To allow you access to its Business API, WhatsApp expects official approval of your account, made possible by the BSP partners.

Advantages of WhatsApp Business API

Designed for growing businesses and more prominent companies, the WhatsApp Business API has a lot to offer. Some of its benefits include:

  • Having a centralized dashboard and shared inbox within a team for a leisurely chat and customer management
  • Allowing third-party software integration
  • Permitting various users to sign in to the dashboard at once
  • Sending programmatic replies to customer queries
  • Verifying an official business profile via a green tick
  • Tracking of performance and KPIs, etc.

With all this to offer, it’s no wonder that various organizations worldwide are turning to WhatsApp Business API to manage communications with their customers.

Whatsapp Business API Integration

Integrate WhatsApp API to include a new dimension to your omnichannel customer interaction and create further opportunities for business communication. WhatsApp Business API offers many integrations with other systems like CRMs, contact center tools, commerce platforms, etc. yellow.ai WhatsApp Business API Integration will enable your customers to opt-in and opt-out of receiving notifications and be updated with several informational updates like order status, flight status, purchase receipts, booking confirmation, and more. Once the WhatsApp API for Business integration is enabled, each customer’s request will automatically create a note in yellow.ai platform. These notes are conveyed to suitable agents, allowing them to respond to these notes directly through WhatsApp from the agent’s desktop.

Getting Started with Yellow Messenger for Unique CX

Companies can use WhatsApp throughout the entire customer journey. WhatsApp offers a wide range of possibilities from marketing at the beginning to consulting, ordering, customer service, loyalty, and advocacy. Personalized notifications for payment requests, account updates, appointment reminders, etc., begin timely and relevant conversations with customers, solving an issue before a consumer even realizes it exists. In addition, Conversocial channels uplift brands to connect readily and easily with WhatsApp API; whether used for proactive engagements or user queries, it’s a platform that enables exceptional experience across the lifecycle.

You can successfully leave all your competition behind with yellow.ai, which so many brands swear by. Request for a demo today and boost your customer experience journey.

