Analysis of Mexico Toys Sales

Oshimiri Henry
5 min readApr 20, 2022

This is the analysis and visualization of a ficticious Toys Sales of retail supermart based in Mexico. This is basically an Exploratory Data analysis aimed at gaining insights from the dataset with the intent of shaping business decisions.

A sample toy (illustration)-source~unsplass photos

The purpose of every business is the maximization of all avenues that will drive higher sales which transcends to higher profit levels. Hence, the data generated by a business over time becomes a resource base for evaluating overall bussiness performance over time. Therefore the past transaction data of the company has been used to understand the financial status of the company.

In other to have a tailored analysis, the following areas have been picked to shape the analysis journey.

  1. Which product categories drive the biggest profits? Is this the same across store locations?
  2. To find any seasonal trends or patterns in the sales data?

3. Are sales being lost with out-of-stock products at certain locations?

4. How much money is tied up in inventory at the toy stores? How long will it last?

5. What specific products drove the highest sales and which gives poor figures?

6. With respect to the year in focus, which year had the highest profit level etc?.

Data Preparation

The data set was downloaded from the web. It came as a four separate Comma Separated Values file format. Python was used to merge the four files into a unified dataframe. It was cleaned by removing certain error inducing special characters, changed some data types and then saved and exported as to MSSQL where i did the full analysis. The link to the sql code is in link from where you can access the Toy Sales Folder to view and download the code.

Tools used for the analysis

SQL- Structured Query Language was used for the general analysis of the data set.

Python-Pandas was used for basic data transformations and wrangling

Tableau was used for the visualization of the analysis done.

The analysis:

From the image below, the product that brings the highest profit is the Lego Bricks toy with a wooping sum of $1920,717.70 while the Classic Dominoes performs poorly with over $41000 in profit. By this, it is advised that efforts be placed to maximize the gains of the growth from Lego Bricks while intensifying measures to boost sales in other products selling poorly perhaps through more advertisements or price reduction to attract customers to value it.

Below is the representation of the top ten (10) best performing products across different stores. One can see the Mavin Toys Cuidad de Mexico 2 as the 1st top 10 best performing store followed bythe rest.

In view of the period under study which is particularly 2017 to 2018, March 2018 showed the greatest profit at over $879000 while August 2017 performed the least with over $480000 in profit. This does not suggest a straight up increase in profit across times as profit levels show to swings across times.

The level of profit across months tend to show a pattern that can be exploited for greater sales by the bussiness owners. Below is the representation of profit levels across months. This shows the month of April to have the greatest profit level at over $1,500,000 while October was the least with about $600,000 in profit. This suggests a form of seasonality in sales levels. Advertisement can increased around March which will trigger more sales in April while other measures can be sought to raise sales level in other less performing months.

When examined by product category, Electronics had the best performance with average profit of over $560000 followed by toys with over $460000 which is over $100000 difference. People showed the least interest in games causing it to generate the least profit averaging over $200000

Below shows a form of correlation comparison between the product cost and the product price. Lego Bricks as seen earlier showed the highest averages across board with same correlation pattern.

When profit levels are spread across the years the bussiness has been in operation, an upward trend in profit levels can be observed amid occassional downturns. For instance, in 1992, profit level is seen to be $215,268 which is about 2%. Over time grew to $3,935,306 which is about 8% in 2007 with the highest level in 2014 at over 13% increase.

Across cities of operation, Cuidad Mexico had the greatest average profit of over $35500 in profit followed by Gualdalajara standing at over $29000 with Aguascalientes with the least avaerage profit of over $5695 all with the specific analysis period of 2017 t0 2018.

The data set used for this analysis can be downloaded from here.

You can view the comprehensive visualizations in link1, link2

I am Oshimiri Henry Jasper.

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Oshimiri Henry

I am Social Science graduate with great passion for excellence in Data Science, Data Analytics, Database Management, Web Design and Analytics. Read and Share.