Python Web Scraping SEO and Digital Marketing Part: 4

Python + Data Science + Web
4 min readJan 26, 2020

My last few articles have been about web scraping with python. In this article I am going to talk about digital marketing and how python can be used to increase your social media presence.

I am going to explain the techniques and tactics I used to increase my social footprint and talk about the struggles I encountered along the way.

I started writing on medium a few years back, at first my articles where a bit ridiculous my follow and view counts where nothing to brag about either. I kept writing and got better and then Jexia’s Editorial Team distributed one of my article’s and viewer numbers started to increase.

From the time my first article got into in a newsletter I was writing on medium for approximately six months. At this point I knew nothing about digital marketing or what SEO even meant. So I started researching about how to use google, keyword analysis, social media marketing, and much more it has been a crazy journey. I thought if I could answer the below questions I could really zone in on my demographic and create a successful social media presence.

I needed historical data about my articles?

I needed data about the demographic I was trying to reach?

I needed data about what my demographic was interested in?

I needed data about where I could find my demographic?

The first place I decided to look was medium, I noticed each article has its own analytics. The below graph shows how many users viewed a specific article on any given day from Jan 2019 to Jan 2020. I thought this would be useful in predicting article success.

User Visits

I wanted more information I did not just want to know that my react article was successful. I needed to know why it was successful?

I first went to google trends and found want I needed when I discovered npm trends. Npm is a package manager and shows react is dominating the frontend market.

React Graph

At this point the data is telling me that react is a hot topic and it has been adopted by many frontend developers. I figured react had potential and decided to continue to write about react. As my monthly view count increased I wanted to know more.

I had to figure out how my users are finding my articles? I noticed medium has an external referral section.

External Links

When you click on the twitter link above you are redirected to the tweet that tweeted your article, Awesome!!!!!! Thanks


At this point I started learning about twitter, wow, twitter is crazy. I wanted to know more about user engagement and realized frequency is variable, never found a straight answer. On average I am going to start off posting 10 tweets a day.

I know how I am going to engage with my users but I still do not know my demographic. To find my demographic I decided to search for hashtags and analyze how people create hashtags, why people click on certain tweets and not others, I went down the rabbit hole with this and learned a lot but most importantly, I was ready to create an effective social media strategy.

My strategy at this point was search twitter for keywords, analyze tweet text and if keywords matched, I would like the tweet, follow the user and retweet there tweet. I decided to use python and tweepy to automate interacting with twitter.

In the next article I will explain tweepy and how I used it to increase my social media presence. As alway thanks for reading and if you enjoyed this article give it a couple of claps. If you like this article you might like these as well.



Python + Data Science + Web

iOS Developer, Go, Java, C#, Blockchain enthusiast, Data junkie