Asymmetric Warfare: Use of Faux Whistleblowers and UAP Illusion

Jeremy McGowan
8 min readJun 5, 2023


The model of asymmetric warfare of the Centre for Asymmetric Threat Studies (CATS). Source: Presentation at the European External Action Service (EEAS)/EU Intelligence and Situation Centre (INTCEN)/EU Hybrid Fusion Cell on ‘How to Understand and Counter Hybrid Threats -A Swedish View’ by Dr Lars Nicander.

Asymmetric warfare has long been a strategic tool in the arena of global security. It represents a style of warfare where opposing forces possess significantly different military capabilities, resources, or strategies, and the less equipped party seeks to exploit vulnerabilities in the stronger opponent. This unique approach can shape many facets of warfare, from combat strategies and tactics to information warfare and psychological operations.

In today’s digital era, this concept has taken on new life in the form of cyber warfare and information warfare. As these newer frontiers in warfare continue to evolve, the lines between truth, propaganda, and disinformation blur. Among the less conventional strategies within asymmetric warfare is the use of disinformation to impact an enemy’s perceptions and decision-making process. A fascinating illustration of such a strategy is the staged “whistleblowing” events purportedly revealing advanced extraterrestrial technology in the possession of the US government. This intriguing scenario involves the U.S. intelligence community staging “whistleblowers” on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) information. The objective is to seed the notion that the United States possesses superior, even otherworldly, technology, thus causing distress and confusion among adversaries.

The Art of Misinformation:

In the realm of psychological warfare, misinformation plays a significant role. Intelligence agencies manipulate information, disseminate false narratives, and even engage in active measures to lead an enemy astray. Misinformation can have profound effects on an adversary’s perceptions, thereby affecting their strategic choices and responses.

In what I believe is the current scenario, the U.S. intelligence community leverages the aura of mystery surrounding UFOs/UAPs, using it to their advantage. By carefully staging “whistleblowers,” they inject carefully crafted narratives into global news cycles, creating a perception that the U.S. has access to technology far beyond current human capabilities.

Consider, for example, the recent disclosure by David Charles Grusch, a decorated former intelligence official turned whistleblower. Grusch’s narrative, filled with intriguing accounts of exotic craft retrievals and covert programs, sends the reader spiraling into a world of science fiction. ; This image is presented under Fair Use: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the copyright act in 1976; allowance is made for “Fair Use” for the purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. All Rights and credit go directly to their rightful owners. No copyright infringement intended.

However, applying the lens of asymmetric warfare and disinformation, it becomes possible to see these extraordinary disclosures as part of a strategic move to mislead adversaries. The intention? To foster the illusion of possessing superior technology, the reality of which may be quite different.

This strategy aligns with the classic doctrine of Sun Tzu’s Art of War, where deception plays a crucial role: “All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”

In this context, the “leaking” of classified information about alleged UFO technology, far from being a slip in secrecy, could be a well-orchestrated campaign to create a false narrative. This narrative, while capturing the imagination of the public, also serves to sow confusion among adversaries about the actual capabilities of the US military.

Rationale and Implementation:

The purpose of such a strategy would be multi-layered. First, it would give the impression of a significant technological edge, thus deterring potential aggressors. Second, it might incite adversaries to divert resources into costly and potentially fruitless research and development projects to match or counter this supposed technology.

The implementation of such a strategy would require meticulous planning and execution. The intelligence community would need to select credible individuals to play the role of whistleblowers. These could be former military or intelligence personnel with enough knowledge of the system to sound authentic. These individuals would then be provided with a mixture of true, misleading, and false information to leak to the public. The true information helps establish credibility, while the false and misleading information serves the strategic objectives.

The intelligence community might also use digital deception tactics, such as leaking manipulated video evidence of supposed UFOs/UAPs. The advancement of deepfake technology and CGI could make these deceptions highly convincing.

The veneer of credibility is further enhanced by the backing of other intelligence officials, the involvement of known entities such as the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), and the whistleblower’s legal support by an attorney who served as the original Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG).

Karl E. Nell (Credit: Department of the Army)

This supposed alien technology disclosure operates on several levels. At the superficial level, it stokes the ongoing public interest in extraterrestrial phenomena, capturing media attention and feeding the ever-growing UFO mythology. On a deeper level, it serves as a smoke screen to distract from real research and technological advancements that the US may be pursuing.

More critically, from the perspective of an adversary, it presents a potential wild card in the equation of military might. If the information were true, it would imply that the US possesses far superior, alien technology that could potentially tip the scales in any military engagement.

Implications and Risks:

While such a strategy could yield short-term benefits in terms of deterrence and misdirection, it comes with substantial risks and ethical dilemmas. There’s a risk that allies could be misled and relationships strained. If revealed, the credibility of the U.S. intelligence community could suffer both domestically and internationally.

Furthermore, such disinformation campaigns can have unintended consequences. Misinformation on UFOs/UAPs could incite panic or false beliefs among the public, leading to unforeseen societal repercussions.

While this kind of strategic misinformation may seem unethical or manipulative, it’s a long-standing component of international relations and warfare. The truth of the matter may be far removed from the narrative constructed around the whistleblower and the supposed revelations. Still, the purpose of such campaigns is not necessarily to convey fact, but to maneuver the pieces on the complex chessboard of global geopolitics.

  1. Psychological Warfare: The disinformation campaign can instill uncertainty and confusion among adversaries. By asserting the existence of non-human technology under U.S. control, adversaries might be driven to doubt their technological superiority or parity. This uncertainty can lead to strategic miscalculations or force adversaries to divert resources to counter this perceived threat.
  2. Diversion of Resources: This scenario could compel other countries to invest heavily in their own unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) research, thinking the U.S. is far ahead in this field. This results in the diversion of massive resources from other critical areas, allowing the U.S. to gain a relative advantage in those fields.
  3. Technological Intimidation: By claiming possession and analysis of advanced non-human technology, the intelligence community can create a narrative of technological dominance. This can serve to demoralize competitors and adversaries, compelling them to question their ability to compete or engage with the U.S. in a technological race or a military conflict.
  4. Espionage and Intelligence Gathering: There is a high likelihood that this situation provides an opportunity for the intelligence community to gather information about foreign governments. The non-human origin craft’s retrieval and analysis could potentially lead to technological advancements which can be reverse-engineered for strategic defense purposes. However, the campaign’s public nature also serves as a ‘red herring’, possibly leading other nations to invest resources in an area where the US may already have significant advancements, thus diverting their resources and attention.
  5. Scientific Misdirection: The disinformation campaign can effectively misdirect global scientific communities into researching and developing technologies based on the misinformation presented. This could lead to wasted resources and efforts on a global scale, creating an asymmetric advantage for the intelligence community that initiated the disinformation campaign.
  6. Influencing Public Opinion: By framing the narrative around non-human origin crafts, the intelligence community can steer public opinion in a particular direction. This could serve multiple strategic objectives, such as justifying increased funding for defense and intelligence operations, or diverting public attention from other sensitive matters.
  7. Use of Propaganda: The whistleblower’s detailed account could serve as a form of propaganda, promoting the notion of the US’s technological supremacy. By claiming to have in their possession advanced technology of non-human origin, the US could be creating a perceived technological gap between itself and other nations.
  8. Strengthening of Defense Alliances: This disinformation campaign could be used to strengthen defense alliances. If allies believe that the US has access to advanced non-human technology, it could bind them closer to the US for protection or shared technological advancements.

We must also consider the potential unintended consequences of such disinformation campaigns. Public trust in government and intelligence agencies can be eroded, leading to increased skepticism and conspiracy theories. This is particularly true when dealing with a topic as contentious and emotionally charged as UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence.

Asymmetric warfare is a complex, multifaceted field that goes far beyond traditional combat. The strategic use of disinformation is a powerful tool that can shape perceptions and affect decision-making processes. The scenario of using staged “whistleblowers” to propagate the idea of advanced UAP technology is a fascinating, if ethically and strategically fraught, example of the lengths to which asymmetric warfare can reach. The interplay between truth and deception, perception and reality, underscores the intricate nature of modern warfare in our increasingly connected and information-saturated world.

The dissemination of disinformation can occur subtly and unintentionally, often through well-meaning media channels. This underscores the need for media organizations to adapt their processes and uphold the highest standards of journalism. Consequently, these outlets have a responsibility to employ more robust fact-checking mechanisms and in-depth analytical research. The urgency of breaking news should not undermine the commitment to accuracy, especially when the stakes are potentially high, as in the case of stories related to national security.

Enhancing Fact-Checking and Analytical Research

Fact-checking is an integral aspect of journalism, but it becomes even more critical in the context of potential disinformation campaigns. Every piece of information, especially those from anonymous sources or whistleblowers, should be thoroughly verified against multiple sources. It is crucial to cross-reference details, corroborate accounts, and consider the wider context of the information.

In addition to fact-checking, media outlets need to incorporate analytical research into their processes. This involves examining the broader implications of a story, understanding its historical context, exploring possible motivations behind the release of information, and discerning the potential impacts on various stakeholders. Analytical research helps journalists and their audiences understand not just the “what” of a story, but also the “why” and “how.”

Viewing Stories Through the Lens of Asymmetric Warfare

In an era marked by disinformation campaigns, media outlets need to be cognizant of how they might be used as pawns in an asymmetric warfare strategy. Stories that appear sensational or incredibly newsworthy, such as those about otherworldly technology, should be scrutinized for their potential role in these strategies. This necessitates applying the lens of knowledge of asymmetric warfare when vetting stories.

Applying this lens involves asking difficult questions about the origins and implications of information. Who benefits from this story being published? Could it serve to divert attention or resources away from other issues? Could it contribute to an image of technological superiority or provoke uncertainty in adversaries? Could it incite social discord or global debates that distract from other activities?

Believe with caution.



Jeremy McGowan

Articles herein are either mine, personally, or if attributed to another author, theirs.