The Partitions of Poland

This story is often forgotten from history lessons about Europe. The fall of the once-powerful Commonwealth of Poland and Lithuania

7 min readApr 12, 2020
Wikipedia; Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth at its maximum extent

HHeres a story for you which I believe many people do not even realize happened and will probably be lost to the history books, The Partitions of The Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth. When the time came to decide what I wished to write for my coursework for my History A-Level I found it very difficult to find something which hadn’t been beaten to death for the sake of a grade.

However, upon researching my heritage, I discovered a part of Polish history which had always evaded me. I hope a summary of events will enlighten the reader to what is, in fact, a quite important part of European history.

A conquest which has been overshadowed by events elsewhere in Europe at a similar time such as the French Revolution which got the lions share of the coverage by authors at the time leading to the partitions being mostly forgotten by western historians.

A Rising power on the verge

The Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth was a rising power in Europe capable of holding its own against its powerful neighbours both economically and militarily.




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