Randy Gardner
3 min readJun 13, 2016

How To Add An Instagram Widget In Blogger?

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Well, its obvious no one among us a blogger 24/7. Even, if someone is, he/she needs or extracts sometimes from his blogging period to relax, to spend some moments with their family and today according to the trend you save your precious moments in the eyes of a camera.

Today we are going to talk about something different. Photography has so much importance today because almost everyone has an Iphone or a smartphone with a brilliant camera result to capture their precious moments and watch whenever they desire.

These wonderful devices let us capture our previous moments anytime, anywhere with ease and desire. Today I am going to show how to add an instagram widget in your blogger blog but first let me explain it why.

Why You Should Add Instagram Widget In Blogger?

You might know that world is progressing so far. Pictures and videos are being shared and processed the most instead of creepy texts. This is because pictures and videos can give you the real touch of your past which any other medium can’t.

As a blogger its important to showcase your personality, your thinking, your behavior beyond the words that you usually type.

And if you are a web designer, Instagram gives you wealthy opportunities to share your designs, new templates etc.

When Its Hard To Communicate In Words, Sometimes Photos Make It Easier!

How To Add An Instagram Widget In Your Blog?

Its just as easy as taking a sip of tea while sitting on a chair. Just follow the steps below and its done.

  1. Go to Template >> Backup/Restore >> Download (In case something goes wrong).
  2. Go to Layout >> Add A Gadget >> Edit HTML/JavaScript.
  3. Open a new tab and switch on to Instagram Website.
  4. Put in your username, select grid or slideshow (Slideshow will be like the slideshow of your pics while in grid it will be shown as on the Instagram Website).
  5. Select Your Thumbnail Size, also select the border Yes if you want it.
  6. Background color can be changed according to your needs, your widget-your choice ;).
  7. Click Preview if you like it click on Get Code.
  8. Paste the code in the popup that appears when you clicked Edit HTML>JavaScript in the above step and click on Save Arrangement.
  9. Visit your blog to checkout whether the widget is working properly and looking good. You can change the widget position by dragging the widget bar from one section to the other (Looks more suitable within sidebar).
  10. The widget will update as you’ll update your instagram.

Last Words!

Many popular personalities and celebs use instagram. You can also make your blog look more professional by adding this widget in your blog and updating your Instagram on regular basis.

For questions or queries, the comment section below is all yours. Take Care!