Usman Ali
1 min readMay 3, 2024

Eat that Frog with a Pomodoro

As time is the most precious thing in this world, which every person has in the same amount without any discrimination, being productive is the best way to utilize it. Whenever I start doing something productive, such as preparing an assignment or reading a book, I get distracted and lose my interest. For instance, if I receive a text message from a friend, I would reply to them and then start watching social media, only to realize later that I have wasted so much time on nothing.

The Pomodoro technique is great for developing focus in your work. You have to work for 25 minutes with full attention, then take a rest for 3-5 minutes, and repeat this process. I implemented this technique to complete my online courses and found it very useful to divide a task into parts, which eventually increases your attention span. This time, I didn’t get distracted much, partly because of the panic monster, as I didn’t have much time left to complete the task.