Skybreach tales. Episode12.

4 min readJul 22, 2022


⚠️ Skybreach concept is not finalised yet.
⚠️ ️
This is just a bedtime story for my kid.

<Episode11 Episode13>

The revenge.

Greta headed to Evilin’s table, right after she entered Club 721. She noticed shocked glances, because the news about her death had already spread around the city. She said without forewords:

— I demand a revenge. We will compete in supporting the crowd. Each of us will entertain the club, and at the end of the show they will vote. Each of us can use just one artefact, and the winner will receive the opponent’s thing. I started the last time, now it’s your turn.

A massive pause appeared in club 721. Evilin curiously looked at the naughty girl, chuckled, then stopped holding back and laughed, then she laughed like a crazy. After that, this laughter picked up the whole club, especially her servants, who were obsessed by Evilin. In the middle of this madness, she stopped, raised her hand and everyone magically fell silent. In the ringing silence, she said:

— I expected more from you, stupid girl. Look at them — they obey me, even if I just raise my hand. It doesn’t matter how brilliant you perform, they never will vote for you! It’s my crowd and my city!

Fear gripped Greta for a moment, but she had faith in Jackson’s plan. She nodded silently, and, turning to the citizens, pointed to Evilin with two hands, as if introducing her to everyone.

Evilin got caught on this fishing rod and took out the most suitable artefact — Elvis Hair. According to the rules of the game, she could not use another artefact, such as Rare Khala Glasses, to increase the effect. It was obvious that everyone around would dance and her victory is inevitable.

The wearer can use this to disguise themselves as Elvis. The disguise works best if the wearer wears sunglasses. Fans of Elvis are subjected to a special effect that makes them dance when they see the wearer.

Evilin put on a wig in front of the whole club, she gave a sign to the musicians- the incendiary music began. All creatures in 721, looking at the wig, obeyed its magic. They moved awkwardly firstly, and then, getting more and more involved in the dance, they began to fly in the dancing flow. They threw away all sorts of knees. It seemed to them that they were moving like Elvis. With the submission to the legendary artefact, they fully gave themselves to the unrestrained freedom of dance.

In a few minutes, the music ended and all the dancers began to clap and scream happily. Evilin was clearly leading in this fight. She raised her hand again, the club stopped and calmed down.

When Greta got out the Magical Notes, the complete silence was around. It was impossible to wear her artefact like a wig, notes were flying in the air. It wasn’t even clear how do they work.

The girl began to whistle that very melody that came to her mind at Kevin Good’s place. It looked so ridiculous that some Canaries picked up the motif. The girl was pathetic, so some birds just helped her to fill the empty space of the sound. In a second, Greta threw the Magical Notes up, and they began to act. Suddenly, the singing Canaries began to make unusual sounds of singing instead of their whistle.

Kanaria can whistle with perfect pitch but they can’t sing, not in a human sense of extended melodies mixed and matched into new forms of sonic pleasure. These magical notes give Kanaria a superior singing ability, bringing sonic joy to the Highlands.

All the birds in the club couldn’t miss this magic. Each Kanaria began to whistle and quickly switched to singing a simple melody from the depths of the subconscious. The subconscious of the unknown little girl, that came from nowhere. The hall sang the same melody in a chorus, in a circle. This singing united everyone who ended up in club 721 this evening. They all were like a one magical voice.

The singing did not stop, even when Evilin raised her hand, even when she got up and tried to say something, and even when she, accepting her defeat, tore off Elvis’ Wig and gave it to Greta.

Jackson’s daring and philosophical plan worked out:

— Everyone will dance and support Evilin. This is just a step towards her defeat. Dance liberates, but dance is a personal liberation. Freeing the audience from problems, debts and service to Evilin will only help us. On the other hand, singing in the chorus unites everyone who sing. There is nothing stronger than this union.

A few minutes later, the club’s singing turned into applause, which the Skybreach Universe had never heard before. Greta took the wig and notes and, heading for the exit, lit the 2022 Sparklers. Jackson was waiting for her on the street and they ran together to the platform where once upon a time Greta landed. Sentimental Pirate was already approaching them.

Mood: melodic 🎵🎶. I wish Skybreach music would be different in different situations. I often use current map music as a background in my routine work ▶️🔂🔂🔂🔂🔂. But when the action begins, or my bird flies, or something else is happening, let the music be rich and varied!

All images in the text are made by RMRK team. Most of the texts beneath them are descriptions of these images on Kanaria site.
Translated by Botuver.




Big supporter and Russian Community manager of RMRK project.