4 Seduction Lessons I Learned From Befriending Elite Escorts

Take it from an ex-escort. You could learn a thing or two about seduction and attraction from courtesans.

Ossiana Tepfenhart
6 min readDec 28, 2021


Photo by Artem Labunsky on Unsplash

Not all sex work is equal, and I of all people know that. When I was an escort, I learned pretty quickly that there is a “whorearchy” to things. What you could charge as hired sex depended on where you were on the hierarchy.

At the bottom of the hierarchy were streetwalkers and trafficked people. At the top were high-end escorts, with the highest ranks occasionally calling themselves “courtesans.”

High-end escorts had two ways of making money: being independent or being represented by an agency. At one point in my early twenties, I was represented by an agency. It was there that I learned a lot about what it takes to make $1,500 an hour as an escort.

To be fair, I was not “elite” by any means of the word. I was too tattooed for it. However, I hung out with some of them and quickly realized they were a score above most people I met.

In truth? Most people I know couldn’t hack it as a true FSSW escort in the upper echelons. It’s not just the matter of having sex with people, either. The qualifications would make your jaws drop — and give you an idea of how they attracted…



Ossiana Tepfenhart

I’m a weirdo who loves to write. Deal with it. Available for hire. Instagram @ossiana.makes.content