The Alternative Gen Xers Were A Lot Cooler Than We Give Them Credit For

Credit where credit is due.

Ossiana Tepfenhart


Photo by witchkingblogs on Unsplash

I’m in a weird position as a clubkid. I’m 34 — just old enough to remember the final tail end of the NYC “Limelight” era, though I never went. I was a Crobar and Exit type of raver.

I got to see what being a part of the old school, early 2000s goth scene was like. I was a regular at QXT’s, which is now actually pretty iconic in the alternative world.

Perhaps that’s why I tend to do a little eyeroll when people lump Gen X in with boomers, particularly on style. I don’t think younger generations appreciate how much craziness was going on during the 90s and aughts.

Gen X is often overlooked, but they really shouldn’t be. This was the generation that helped bring out most of the creative awesomeness we embrace today. If you’re a Gen Z kid, I want you to know a little bit about life back then.

Contrary to popular belief, being alternative in the 90s and 2000s was actually really not easy.

photo of the author from the other night



Ossiana Tepfenhart

I’m a weirdo who loves to write. Deal with it. Available for hire. Instagram @ossiana.makes.content