NATO is useless, the UN is even more…

Ostap Sokoliuk
4 min readJul 15, 2023


Hey guys! Did you forget about the Budapest Memorandum? In 1994, Ukraine surrendered its nuclear weapons under the terms of SECURITY guarantees from three countries. Which ones, you ask? It’s really interesting who it is… Russia, the USA and Great Britain! These countries were supposed to ensure our territorial integrity. Instead, Russia has been killing Ukrainians for more than a year, and a representative of another security guarantor tells us: We are not Amazon.

Just think about this fact. Read the document. I mean The Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances. Until Ukraine gave up the Soviet nuclear weapons stationed on its soil, it had the world’s third-largest nuclear weapons stockpile. According to the memorandum, the Russian federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain, the United States of America “reaffirm their obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus and Kazakhstan , and that none of their weapons will ever be used against Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus and Kazakhstan except in self-defense or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations”.

All this means one simple thing: international agreements, guarantees are crap. Nato is crap. The United Nations is crap.

NATO is afraid, and a military alliance that is afraid is… not a military alliance that has any meaning. NATO says Ukraine: you will be able to join us only after the war. But if, God forbid, another war breaks out, then you will have to leave NATO. Well, you understand our conditions.

At Nato’s summit UK defense secretary Ben Wallace said to Volodymyr Zelenskyy that “You know, we’re not amazon”. Really, what are the damned Ukrainians upset about? Everything is peaceful and calm in Europe. Only Ukrainians are killed. Ukrainians are tortured in captivity. And then we get dead mutilated bodies. Russians wipe our cities off the face of the earth. Children are raped and taken away. Children are raped and taken away. By the thousands. Should I repeat that? Maybe Ben Wallace will say his phrase to the mothers of these children? Those who are still alive.

At this time one important thing becomes clear: every man for himself. In the world, where there are countries with nuclear weapons and countries that do not have them (or have given them away), every man for himself. Do you want to kill women and children? There are no problems — every man for himself.

I have the impression that Ukrainians are not Europeans. No, probably not. Because we don’t need those who are being bombed by russia in Europe. We want a peaceful pink sky. We don’t need trouble. But it won’t work like that, dear ladies and gentlemen.

The problem with russia will have to be solved. If someone is so calm about his tomorrow, his future, or the future of his children, then I would advise him to think carefully about it. Russia will want you too. Yes, today Ukraine is a great wall between the world’s largest nuclear-armed country with a dictator at its head and the rest of the civilized world. But there may not be Ukraine tomorrow.

This is because the Ukrainians are running out, damn it!

Every day, Ukrainian people are killed and maimed. Every day I hear news about my friends. Someone is brought to be buried, and someone is taken to the front. But it’s okay. Let NATO continue to exist on paper, and the UN continue to pretend that it is worth something. No, these two organizations are worthless.

In the first days of the war, the whole world simply froze in anticipation. He watched on TV as convoys of military equipment entered peaceful Ukrainian cities. World was waiting to see if we could resist. Hello guys! Wake up! What about the Budapest Memorandum??

You know, I don’t mind if World War III starts and the planet will be destroyed. Humanity don’t deserves better. It failed to manage the planet. We should have been entrusted everything to the cats.

Since I am a writer, I have a dream to publish my books abroad (USA or Europe). If you want to support me — you can do it on Donatello (Ukrainian platform that helps creators).

OR you can buy me a coffee

It is very important to do it before the World War III. I’m just joking — is has no sense to donate. We all gonna day…



Ostap Sokoliuk

I’m a writer from Ukraine. I have a dream to publish my books abroad (USA or Europe). If you want to help me