User Story Templates in Jira: Streamline Your Project Management

OST Consulting
4 min readAug 20, 2024


In software development and project management, consistency is key. But anyone who has worked on multiple projects in Jira knows how time-consuming it can be to repeatedly create similar user stories, bugs, or tasks. This is where user story templates for Jira come into play.

What is a User Story Template in Jira?

A user story template in Jira is essentially a predefined set of fields and content that can be used to create new user stories quickly and consistently. Instead of starting from scratch each time, you can load a template that contains all the essential information pre-filled, ensuring uniformity across all user stories in your project.

Using templates saves time, improves accuracy, and ensures that no critical information is overlooked during issue creation.

Benefits of Using User Story Templates

  1. Consistency Across Projects: Templates ensure that every user story follows the same structure. By standardizing fields such as “Summary,” “Description,” and “Acceptance Criteria,” your team can reduce errors and miscommunication.
  2. Efficiency: Once a template is set up, creating new user stories becomes a matter of a few clicks. This minimizes the manual effort and drastically speeds up the process of issue creation.
  3. Customization: Templates can be customized for different project needs, allowing for variables like assignees, due dates, and priorities to be adjusted dynamically during the creation process​​.
  4. Simplification of Repetitive Tasks: By reusing templates, you eliminate the need to recreate similar stories over and over again. This saves your team a significant amount of time​.

How to Create a User Story Template in Jira

There are two ways of using templates in Jira:

  • Manually copy/pasting the following template in your issues
  • Using a 3rd-party app that handles everything for you

1. Manually Copy/Pasting the Template

If you prefer not to use additional tools, you can create a basic user story template manually and copy/paste it into each new issue. Here’s a simple example of what a manual user story template might look like:

**User Story Template**
As a [type of user], I want [some goal] so that [some reason].

A detailed description of the story, including any relevant context, requirements, and constraints.

**Acceptance Criteria**
A list of criteria that must be met for the story to be considered complete.

The priority of the story, ranging from critical to low.

Any dependencies or prerequisites required for the completion of the story.

A list of tasks required to complete the story, along with estimates and assignees.

**Related Issues**
A list of related issues, such as Epics or other Stories, that the current story depends on or is related to.

This template covers the core structure of a typical user story and can be customized based on your team’s needs. You can paste this content into a new Jira issue and fill in the placeholders. While this method works well for smaller teams or infrequent issue creation, it can quickly become cumbersome for larger teams or more complex projects.

2. Using a 3rd-Party App

For a more seamless and efficient approach, using a 3rd-party app such as Issue Templates for Jira Cloud simplifies the process significantly. With this tool, you can:

  • Create Templates Once, Use Them Repeatedly: Design your user story template once and reuse it across multiple projects with just a few clicks.
  • Pre-Fill Issues Automatically: With Issue Templates for Jira Cloud, you don’t need to manually copy and paste text. The app allows you to pre-fill Jira issues with template content, saving time and reducing the risk of human error.
  • Advanced Configuration Options: You can configure templates with dynamic variables, ensuring that placeholders like <<Assignee>>, <<Story Points>>, and <<Priority>> are easily adjustable during issue creation.
  • Support for Hierarchical Templates: The app also supports complex hierarchical structures, allowing you to create templates that include parent issues like Epics and their child issues, such as Stories or Subtasks, all linked and populated with consistent data​​​.
Templates library from Issue Templates for Jira Cloud

Best Practices for Using User Story Templates

  1. Tailor Templates to Your Team’s Needs: Every team has unique workflows and priorities. Customize templates to reflect your team’s processes, whether that’s incorporating specific acceptance criteria, linking relevant documentation, or ensuring proper tagging for backlog management.
  2. Leverage Advanced Variables: Use variables in your templates to reduce redundancy. For example, in an onboarding user story, you can set up fields like <<New Employee Name>> to ensure that this information only needs to be entered once, even if it appears in multiple fields across related stories​.
  3. Update and Manage Templates: Keep your templates up to date with any changes in your team’s processes. Regularly review and adjust templates as your project evolves​.

Final Thoughts

Using user story templates in Jira is a game changer for teams looking to streamline their workflows, improve efficiency, and reduce repetitive tasks. By creating standardized templates, you ensure that every user story meets your team’s quality standards while also saving valuable time.

Start integrating user story templates into your Jira projects today and see how they can transform the way you manage your backlog and sprint planning.

