Osteoporosis: 5 Early Warning Signs & Symptoms — OsteoStrong

3 min readFeb 21, 2019


Osteoporosis by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Alpha Stock Images

Based on commercials from the 1980’s, we might think drinking milk is all we need to ensure strong bones and protection from osteoporosis. However, there are many other diet and lifestyle changes needed to maintain healthy bones. Implementing these exercises can help protect our skeleton, but how can we really know whether or not our bones are truly healthy? Bone loss begins as early as age 30, and osteoporosis is known as the “silent disease” because often patients are unaware their bones are deteriorating until it’s too late.

However, our bodies may give us clues that our bones are beginning to weaken. If we take notice of these warning signs early on, we can strengthen our bones and prevent osteopenia from developing into full-blow osteoporosis.

1. Weak teeth and receding gums

According to DentistryIQ, “osteoporosis has a major impact on the jawbone supporting the teeth.” Receding gum lines can indicate bone loss in the jawbone. Particularly in post-menopausal women, low bone density in the jaw can lead to other dental issues, including lost teeth, poor-fitting dentures, and weakened teeth. Dentists can detect bone loss in the jaw with standard panoramic x-rays. Consider asking your dentist to screen you for jaw bone loss, which can indicate osteoporosis.

2. Stooped posture and unexplained height loss

“Women lose an average of 3 inches between the ages of 30 and 80,” according to the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. As the discs between the vertebrae compress, people naturally lose height; however, some lost inches can be attributed to collapsed vertebrae, forming a compression fracture due to loss of bone density. Certain exercises can strengthen your back muscles and bones (which are often connected — as one weakens, so will the other), and protect your spine.

3. Unexplained aches and cramps

Most people believe aches and pains are just a natural part of aging. However, these symptoms may indicate muscle weakness, loss of mobility, and bone loss. Vitamin D is a critical component in building strong muscles and bones, and a lack of this important vitamin can create cramps and muscle aches. Leg and foot cramps, especially at night, can indicate a low levels of calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Since these vitamins and minerals are invaluable to bone health, these warning signs might be telling you to get more in your diet — which can keep your bones strong and help prevent bone loss.

4. Weakening grip strength

Several studies indicate that weaker grip strength is a strong indicator of bone loss. In studies of post-menopausal women, handgrip strength showed correlation with bone mineral density (BMD). It has been demonstrated that lower grip strength is associated with reduced BMD in the spine, femoral neck, and total hip. Also, as grip strength weakens, the risk of falls increases, which heightens the chance of broken bones and osteoporosis injury.

5. Sudden Back Pain

If you experience sudden back pain with no discernible cause, it could be a warning sign of osteoporosis. This is because patients with severe osteoporosis could develop a vertebral fracture from something as simple as bending over, or standing up too quickly. Particularly in adults — especially women — over the age of 55, sudden, intense and severe back pain could potentially be a fracture. If you have severe, unexplained back pain, visit your doctor for an x-ray to rule out bone loss and fractured vertebrae as a cause.

An Easy Solution for Strong Bones

While there are foods, vitamins, and exercises you can incorporate into your lifestyle to help keep your bones strong, one of the easiest methods of protecting your bones is OsteoStrong. With just one 10-minute session a week, this specialized technology allows your bones to “bear weight,” without the strenuousness of an intense muscular exercise. OsteoStrong allows you to focus on strengthening your bones in a way no other exercises can.

Plus, afterwards, you get a hydro-massage!

The OsteoStrong team is passionate about building strong bodies, so come try a free session and feel the difference! Bone loss starts as early as 30; so go ahead and fight back!




OsteoStrong focuses on natural pain management through building strong bones and impact emulation. Learn more: http://bit.ly/351Ezod