kidtoken OST Alpha III Final Video and Blog

5 min readAug 10, 2018


What an exciting month it’s been for us at kidtoken! We participated in the OST Alpha 3 challenge, continuing to build & develop our Proof of Concept project alongside over 200 other developers around the world, all done in a 4 week sprint!

This final week we made significant progress on the design of our wallet, thankfully ran into no issues & were able to successfully execute on all of our plans including our completed video:

What is kidtoken?

For those new to our Proof of Concept project, kidtoken is a tokenized allowance for kids. Blockchain based, kidtoken is designed to incentivize positive behaviors & create a modern digital way to save & spend that’s perfect for the new generation of kids.

For our final blog as part of the OST Alpha 3 Challenge, we’ll focus on the Q&A from their team. We’ve also included our final video which gives an overview of our progress in A3, hosted by our President of Marketing, Michael Murray.

In addition to the video, here are some screenshots of the project’s integration with OST KIT, the user wallet features, and screenshots of kidtoken transfers being recorded on OST VIEW.

kidtoken Website Integrated with OST KIT
kidtoken transfers being recorded on OST VIEW
kidtoken User Wallet feature
Transaction Information

What problem does your project solve for and what was the user need for creating your token economy?

kidtoken was created to solve the problem that exists where kids are still largely getting their allowance in fiat. We’ve transitioned to a digital age, less and less people are carrying cash, which leads to less kids getting the opportunity to learn about money and more importantly saving responsibly at an early age. We’ve also taken advantage of OST’s tokenized technology to include incentives. Parents and teachers can create tokenized incentives to gamify & motivate kids to practice positive behaviors in school and at home. Kids can also trade their kidtoken, or pool it together for collaborative purchases or gifts.

What was your key goal behind doing the challenge?

We had two goals in participating in the OST Alpha 3 Challenge. One is that we’re passionate about empowering the next generation of kids to learn how to responsibly spend & save, and we think a digital tokenized allowance is the perfect way to achieve this goal.

We also believe that kids respond well to incentivization, and that both parents & teachers can use kidtoken to reinforce positive behaviors in a way that kids will enjoy. We’re also big believers in OST’s blockchain infrastructure and we think their platform will be the future of token economies, and plan to scale and build kidtoken as OST continues to grow and add more partners.

How did you plan the design for your wallet features?

For us, we planned the design of our wallet as technically two different pages. I’ll talk about it here as if it’s one because possibly next round that’s exactly what we will do. Overall we wanted it to have a great user experience & completely viewable transaction history that is available at all times.

What APIs did you use: Ledger, Balance, Actions, Token Details, etc.?

We used the actions, balance, token details, and transactions API. We used the balance API to retrieve airdropped & token balance. We used the transactions API to list recent transactions and also to drill down deeper into the details of the transaction. Transactions are associated with actions so we used the actions API to retrieve action names as we originally didn’t save this with the transaction information in our database. We also used the token details API to accurately display a dollar to kidtoken or kidtoken to dollar balance.

What information did you show to the end user and why?

We display the current token balance and what that translates to in USD. There’s also a list of transactions with an action name, the “cost” in our branded token, and in certain situations whether that action/transaction was successful or not. There is a link with each transaction that will display a detail view of the transaction.

How did you use design (UX/UI) for how to display this information?

There is a panel with the balance information and the USD conversion. Below is a table of transactions the user can click and view in detail for each transaction.

What did you like about using these APIs?

They are all fairly self-explanatory to use with common inputs and outputs which makes it easy to use the same basic functions to build a query and process the results. The API is also quick to respond with wait times around .2 seconds for our internet connection.

What did you learn about designing these wallet features?

We liked that we were able to learn a great deal about how the OST API worked in more detail. Gave us an interesting perspective for how we will use these features when designing our mobile app to come.

Be Optimistic

After participating in Alpha 3, we couldn’t be more excited to be long term builders on the OST platform. As you can tell from our video, we have a lot of enthusiasm for our project & its potential!

We’d also like to thank everyone at OST for being so supportive at all hours of the day, and we’ll be back soon with another update as we continue to prepare for OST’s Beta launch in Q1 of 2019.

Follow us on Twitter as well, for weekly updates from our kidtoken team.

