Privacy friendly analytics

Privacy-friendly, GDPR and CCPA compliant, lightweight, hassle-free, and open source visitors’ tracking solution with respect to DNT policy.
3 min readMar 27, 2020
privacy friendly web analytics —

We build web analytics service with visitors’ privacy in mind. It’s GDPR and CCPA compliant, with respect to DNT signals, and straightforward end-user opt-out procedure.

For visitors

Our main goal for end-users is to provide transparent and minimalistic data collection. Our tracking code is 100% open source. All types of collected data, why it is collected, and how it used are described in-depth in our GDPR and CCPA sections.

For developers

Our main goal for developers is to provide lightweight full-featured and drop-in web tracking solution with zero configuration in mind. Our solution is ready out-of-the-box, tested, and fully compatible with Meteor, Vue, React, Angular, Backbone, Ember, and other front-end JavaScript frameworks.

By default, our solution does not require any setup preparations. Still, if a custom solution is needed — it carries vast possibilities for integration.

Two unique features for web developers: ⚡️ AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) analytics and Global Runtime Errors tracking. Whenever an error happens during runtime, it gets reported in the “Errors” section. Reports about client’s errors are super-useful as it’s nearly impossible to test the client’s JavaScript code in all imaginable environments, and website visitors can contribute to testing.

We know that one analytics solution might not be enough, and developers may still need to use well-known services like Google Analytics (GA) and Google Tag Manager (GTM). So far, it isn’t a simple task to integrate Google solutions with client-side JavaScript routing (History API (History.js), React-router, Vue-router, etc.). As this service made by developers for developers — we aware of this pain. Our tracking code made with proxy-solution for classic-analytics services, learn more in our tutorials:

Data-table example (ltr): Runtime Errors; Referrers; Geo

Perks list

  • 👐 Open Source tracking code;
  • 📦 Lightweight, less than 2.8KB;
  • 🚀 Fast, all metrics are available in real-time;
  • 😎 No DOM changes;
  • 😎 No heavy CPU tasks;
  • 😎 No extra scripts loading;
  • 📡 Utilizes Beacon API when available;
  • 🤝 Support for History API (HTML5 History Management);
  • 🤝 Support most of JavaScript front-end based frameworks and routings;
  • ⚡️ Track Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP);
  • 🛑 Tutorial: Detect and Track AdBlock usage;
  • 🔍 Transparent data collection;
  • 😎 Respect DNT policy;
  • 👨‍⚖️ Follows latest GDPR recommendations;
  • 🙆 Easy opt-out procedure for end-users;
  • 🐞 Global Runtime Errors tracking.

Learn more here
▲with ♥



Web services for JavaScript Angular, React, Vue.js, Meteor, and Node.js powered websites. Our services: Prerendering, Monitoring, WebSec, WebAnalytics —