William Glory
4 min readSep 16, 2022


Dear past self,

How are you? So happy writing to you who have shaped the person I am today. I hope you are looking at your future self, seeing all his accomplishments, the product of the decision made by you.

They do say experience is the best teacher: and those experiences I have had through you, are what is guiding me today. I am living a copacetic life, lacking nothing, being contented with all things simply because of those lessons I have gone through you. Thank you, u buddy!

Without ado, Let me go straight to the point of this letter. I am writing to you to make you know what your future entails and what later become of you with all those decisions you are making. I will speak on both good and bad.

You know those times you don't run after post. That you just wish to be yourself. The attitude has paid off as it is helping your future self in having a healthy relationship with all men.

I could still remember those times when the prefect was to be nominated and you just have the mindset that Que sera sera( whatever will be will be).

You never changed your behavior or attitude simply because you wanted any post in the school. You were always yourself, changing for nothing or no one.

And after everything, You were still appointed as the Head Prefect. I believe it must have been as a result of your transparency in your actions even when you know that the teachers are watching you.

You wanted them to know that you are imperfect not behaving like a saint before choosing you, and then after that you flop. Thank God for all those bold actions of yours on different occasions, I can’t narrate all.

Those actions of yours are now helping me with university posts and church posts. People respect me for who I am, as it has become my habit to always be myself. The principle of “if you want to accept me, you accept me with all my imperfections” is taking you far. I appreciate you, self.

I have a lot to say but I will stop here. You know your habit of respecting and honoring people is now earning you love, respect, and honor back from people. Keep it up, self. Love you.

Nevertheless, there were some actions and habits you had that almost ruined me. Like going late to everywhere you go. There was a time, I went for a job interview, and I almost lost it simply because of the habit of getting somewhere late.

If not for goodwill and God’s grace, I would have been depressed. But I forgive you! And thanks to God, that bad habit has been overcome with the help of one pastor’s teaching; Pst Oyeleye, if that name ring something in your brain.

Also, You didn’t love to express your feelings in situations, always keep things to yourself. You rather suffer silently than voice out for help. This action of yours almost destroyed me when I almost died of need one day, and I was feeling shy about out seeking help

You are forgiven for that too because light has come now. My eyes have been opened, as I have engaged myself in the reading of books and articles including listening to messages.
And many more!

Note that the spiritual sacrifice you paid is having a positive impact on my life today. I have grown rapidly in the knowledge of Jesus Christ as my life is being transformed every day, radiating God’s glory and power wherever I go.

I thank you much for giving yourself to such things at the early stage of your life. I am eternally grateful to you for this.

Conclusively, Your action is and has been helping my life a lot these days. I am now studying at the university of Ibadan, your dream school. All these were able to be achieved due to your doggedness and unsurmountable spirit. Devotion to books daily. Though ASUU is on strike, reading has already been a habit and lifestyle.

NB: Continue with the ideal guiding you, and always give room for changes. Some friends have gone because they played no role in your life, but some are kept and will remain forever because of their everlasting impart. Sure fact, Some good friends will be met who deserve your attention.
Continue to Evangelize!!!!!!!! Take care of yourself.
Goodbye for now.

yours sincerely,
Your future self, William

William Glory

I am a writer, I articulate speeches to enlighten and build up.