Quiz(zes): Where are you on the political spectrum?

Stephen Kent Gray
5 min readJul 25, 2017


Political Quizzes because it’s the most mathematical and scientific way to know where you are. These 31 different tests for you to compare and contrast you views with others will help you understand you ideology as well as all others.

List Entries:

1. Political Compass: After answering the questions, you would be presented with a graph which plots your position on the economic left/right and social authoritarian/libertarian axes.

2. Political Spectrum Quiz: Similar to Political Compass, but also includes spectra for foreign policy and culture.

3. Vosem Chart Locator (United States version): The Vosem chart has three axes (corporate economics, individual economics, and civil liberties) which form a cube with 8 ideological corners.

4. Political Philosophy Quiz: An Americanised political spectrum test with the following spectra: conservative/progressive, capitalist purist/social capitalist, libertarian/authoritarian, pacifist/militarist

5. Political Survey: Similar to Political Compass but with left/right and pragmatic/idealistic spectra.

6. Find Your Philosophy Quiz: A lengthy political specrum test (106 questions) with the following spectra: economic leftist/economic rightist; civil libertarian/civil authoritarian; socio-cultural liberal/socio-cultural conservative; anti-militarist/pro-militarist; and anarchist/statist.

7. The F Scale: A fascism scale test.

8. Where are you on the political spectrum: Results in a rating for each of the following categories: conservative, lefty, liberal, libertarian and wingnut, and an overall rating.

9. Conservative or Liberal: A conservative/liberal spectrum test.

10. What is your political ideology?: The user is classified as having one of the following ideologies: fascist/radical right, conservative, libertarian, liberal, social democrat, or communist/radical left.

11. What is your political philosophy?: The user is classified as having one of the following ideologies: communist, liberal, libertarian, neoconservative or fascist.

12. What political ideology do you have?: The user is classified as having one of the following ideologies: social democrat, libertarian, anarchist, authoritarian capitalist, communist or fascist.

13. Your political belief is…(world): The user is classified as having one of the following ideologies: liberal, conservative, radical right, radical left, centralist or democrat.

14. Are You A Secular Progressive or a Traditionalist?: A single spectrum test.

15. Political Spectrum Self-Test: The user is provided with set of ranked rating for each of the following ideologies: anarchist, centrist, communist, conservative democrat, fascist, liberal democrat, libertarian, moderate authoritarian, moderate democrat, moderate libertarian, moderate republican, moral conservative, populist, Rockefeller republican, royalist, socialist, theocracian, traditional conservative republican


16. World’s Smallest Political Quiz: Similar to Political Compass, but with fewer questions and a diamond shaped graph (a Nolan chart).

17. Best Political Quiz: A self proclaimed best political quiz. Displays a pentagon shaped graph (economic, social, environment, international affairs and overall standing), social and economic ideological categories, and a Democrat/Republican classification.


18. The Politics Test: Very similar to Political Compass


19. The Best Political Ideology Test: Similar to Political Compass but provides a graph of each univariate distribution of everyone’s results and where you are placed in that distribution.

20. What is your political ideology, really?: Results in a score and an ideological classification.

21. Politopia: Similar to Political Compass.

22. Political Ideology Test: Left/right political spectrum test.

23. Political Philosophy Test: Results in an ideological classification.

24. Nolan Chart: Similar to Political Compass, but with fewer questions and a diamond shaped graph (a Nolan chart).

25. The Enhanced Precision Political Quiz…in 2D: Like the Nolan Chart, but the questions are about recent US political issues, and the answer options are a set of opinions (not exhaustive) rather than agree/disagree options.

26. Pew Research Political Typology: A political typology test by Pew Research that categorises the respondent as one of nine American political types.


27. The 3-Axis Political Test: A political spectrum test like Political Compass but with three axes: economic freedom, social freedom, and political freedom.

28. Political Test: A political spectrum test which gives a score for each of the following spectra: cosmopolitan/nationalistic, secular/fundamentalist, visionary/reactionary, anarchistic/authoritarian, communistic/capitalistic, pacifist/militaristic, ecological/anthropocentric

29. How Leftie Are You?: A test with 10 questions (each with two answer options), that produces a leftie score as a percentage.

30. Libertarian Purity Test: A libertarian purity test that produces a libertarian score.

31. 5 Dimensional Policial Compass: A political spectrum test with 30 yes/no/maybe questions, that produces percentage scores for collectivism, authoritarianism, internationalism, tribalism, and liberalism.



Stephen Kent Gray

I'm an Individualist Libertarian otaku who is pansexual! My avatar is Tiara from the Fairy Fencer series. Profile intro set to be updated soon eventually!