Published inBe YourselfYou'll get eaten: On trying to learn to sleep with Complex PTSD"The trail" vs. "civilization"Aug 1, 20183Aug 1, 20183
Published inUntitled DraftA note about power and appropriationIt doesn't work the other way around, and, because no group is a monolith, we each have to make our own decisionsJul 3, 2018Jul 3, 2018
Published inUntitled DraftOn Disconnection and Belief (2017–10–25)I didn’t have a single flashback while I was on the road for two weeks.Jul 2, 2018Jul 2, 2018
Published inUntitled DraftOn Writing Publicly (2017–02–15)Putting all this stuff online was my version of putting tattoos on my hands.Jul 2, 2018Jul 2, 2018
Published inUntitled DraftI will not be a disciple of death.It still baffles me that people cling to *the mere idea* of wealth so hard that they would rather support death than equity.Jun 30, 20181Jun 30, 20181
Published inInvisible IllnessI live with chronic suicidality, and I have a problem with your #SuicideAwareness memesFor safety reasons, suicidal people are rarely out about it - and, because of this, we are rarely a visible part of the conversation.Jun 7, 201843Jun 7, 201843
Published inUntitled DraftTrail Journal: Eastern Continental Trail 2018 Days 0–7 (1/15–1/22)My first journal entries about walking from Key West to Canada with PTSDFeb 23, 2018Feb 23, 2018