Social Media- Friend or Foe for Students

OTOO Tuitions
4 min readJan 2, 2020


These days, the increasing trend of social media has not only caught the youth, but even the teenage students have not been able to stay away from its attraction.

The habit of accessing these websites till the morning and before going to sleep at night has left the children beyond the real world. When will the students sitting on mobile phones with every moment in their hands get time to introspect? When will they be able to think about their identity or their purpose?

The main reason for the increasing problem of stress among students is their increasing business on social media.

According to a study done on social media, more use of social media has the opposite effect on the memory. Important information is not safe in the minds of such people. Actually, in the spare time, the brain works to secure information. But even in free time, people are busy in online activities, due to which their mind is not able to get rest and it directly affects their memory.

Even during studies, most of the attention of the children remains on the messages and notifications on their phones, due to which their attention is not focused on the education. Distraction caused by social media sites like Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, etc. This means that academic performance of students also falls due to distraction.

When children see photos or status messages shared by their friends on social media, they start comparing their achievements with their friends’ achievements. For example, if a child wants to go to a particular place for a holiday. Was but could not go there for some reason and one of his friends uploads his pictures taken on the same place on social media. So that child starts feeling very frustrated. Besides, the number of likes and comments on his photo or status is less than any of his friends. Children’s confidence starts to weaken because they like these likes and comments of their personality add to.

Benefits of social media

  • Social media is used to perform many types of tasks. Through this, any important news can be sent to millions of people and information can be made available to them. Any important information can be made available to parents of children through social media.
  • Today, technology has grown so much that by sitting in one corner of one country, we can talk to our family members or friends living in another country and interact with each other. Through social media, children can find home tuition around them; they can find a teacher of a particular subject.
  • Nowadays a variety of educational channels are being run on YouTube for education and knowledge, through which one can get any kind of knowledge as well as share their knowledge with others. Through this, any person can easily do any work sitting at home. With this, if a student has any problem in a subject, then he can take his lesson on YouTube and prepare.
  • Through this, one can learn very easily by filling a form, sending money, sending or receiving messages, talking to people etc. In earlier times, when there was no internet and social media, people get many information after months or so, but through social media people can work quickly, search good schools and good home tuition for their children. And can provide good education to their children.
  • People tell their business to people through social media and through this people get an opportunity to earn money online. Nowadays, social media is more preferred by children and teachers because children can learn a lot from home and teachers can spread their information to others through social media from home, they can earn some money through it. People can also do social work by sharing their information. People can identify the right wrongdoing and the child can get good information around the child, know how to prepare for the exam, how to get started and know.
  • Nowadays, all people show their talent on social media and earn money from it. If you want to get someone’s photo, video etc., it can be obtained very easily through social media.
  • Social media remains a very interesting entertainment for all people these days. People are connected to their family relatives etc. through it and enjoy it.

Demerits of social media

  • Social media is not gaining as much nowadays, it is causing more harm. It is also negatively impacting people. Today’s children who are showing great interest on social media, their time is being wasted on social media by not studying and paying more attention to other things.
  • They spend more and more of their time on social media. Ever since people started using social media in full, diseases have also started increasing among people. People sit and work on social media. There are many diseases in them due to not walking, exercising, playing, jumping, etc., it causes great harm to the eyes of the people and also affects their intelligence.
  • Many people commit cyber crime through social media. For example, people steal someone’s password, take personal information from them or steal their mobile photos and videos.
  • In this, people are fooled; many people do not have good knowledge of social media. They get caught in someone else’s deception, leaving all his money from his account.
  • In this, people are also blackmailed by hacking their personal things. There are many types of sites that are sent through social media, which entice people and people get entangled with it.

Otoo Home Tuition is an institute that identifies children and their parents on social work and explains its good and bad effects and how to use social media properly.

