Global OTP Bot — Any OTP & 3D Secure Code Bypass Bot

3 min readFeb 23, 2024


Using the OTP Bot is easy or not?
Clearly you will need victim’s phone number and Victim Name (optional).
After than you can use thats information for otp & 3d secure code & 2fa code bypass with our Global OTP Bot.

What is The OTP Bot’s Background? How Its Work?
Otp bot stands as an innovative automated tool tailored for social engineering prowess, specifically designed to circumvent various verification protocols. Its operation is sleek: by issuing the victim’s phone number as a command, the otp bot orchestrates a seamless, convincing voice call experience for the target. Prompted to input the received 2FA code onto their keypad, the unwitting victim complies, unwittingly divulging crucial security information. Through this ingeniously crafted approach, the seemingly impregnable fortress of 3D secure measures crumbles effortlessly. Renowned as a legendary instrument in the realm of carding, its utility extends to cracking and logs with remarkable success rates. Crafting this marvel entailed a dedicated two-month endeavor, a testament to its sophistication and efficacy. Of course, such ingenuity comes at a price, meticulously outlined within the bot itself and reiterated here for transparency. Continual stability and reliability are ensured, with regular updates and the perpetual expansion of available numbers enriching the otp bot’s repertoire. Moreover, its versatility knows no bounds; boasting the capability to place international calls, regardless of geographic constraints, it seamlessly caters to diverse needs. Optimal results are achieved by aligning the selected number with the victim’s locale, enhancing the cloak of credibility.

Global OTP & 2FA Bypasser | Telegram OTP BOT With CALLER ID Spoofer | Otp bot is an automated social engineering tool that can bypass any verification code. You type the victim’s phone number as a command to the bot and your victim receives a convincing voice call. He will be asked to dial the 2FA code sent to his or her phone.

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About OTP Bot’s Success Rates

In ideal conditions, where the victim is unsuspecting and the social engineering approach is meticulously crafted, success rates can be impressively high, often exceeding 80% or even approaching near certainty. Yet, these figures fluctuate based on numerous variables such as the sophistication of the target’s security protocols, the level of awareness among users regarding potential threats, and the efficacy of countermeasures implemented by service providers.

Moreover, success rates can vary depending on the specific context in which the OTP bot is utilized. For instance, targeting individuals with lax security practices or exploiting systemic vulnerabilities within certain industries may yield higher success rates compared to more vigilant targets or sectors with robust security frameworks.

Overall, while OTP bots are undeniably potent tools in the arsenal of cybercriminals, their success rates are contingent upon a multitude of factors, making precise quantification a challenging endeavor.




This page for otp bypass bot. Global Otp Bot can bypass otp, 3d secure code, 2fa code and more sms codes.