Employee Spotlight — Samuel Gaunt

Samuel is otso’s Chief Technical Officer. He’s responsible for driving our software development team and delivering state-of-the-art technical solutions.

2 min readJul 4, 2019

We recently caught up with our CTO, Sam, to hear about his role at otso, his favourite projects, and what he gets up to outside of office hours. Being one of the original otso team members, Sam has helped to build our team and platform into what it is today.

Describe your role at otso

My role sees me lead our team of software developers across both client-focused and internal projects. I’m responsible for scoping technical builds, driving project development, and delivering system architecture solutions.

What’s the best thing about working at otso?

The culture is definitely a big incentive. Our team is passionate to push the boundaries of what is possible to deliver truly unique solutions. I also enjoy the variety of projects we work on, which allow us to constantly explore new development techniques.

Building the otso platform from the ground up has also been a highlight. I’ve enjoyed the agile approach we’ve taken towards product development, allowing us to iterate on features to continually improve the platform’s capabilities.

Apart from your work at otso, what are some side projects or hobbies you have outside of the office?

I enjoy playing Ultimate Frisbee, where I play for Mammoth Ultimate Club, Monstars Ultimate Club and have represented Queensland.

Any special accomplishments or awards?

I was a part of the Brisbane Mammoth team who won the 2019 Australian Ultimate Championships, making them the first team outside of NSW and Victoria to do so.

What TV show or movie are you ashamed to admit you love?

Anyone who knows me well will know that I love weird documentaries. In particular The Barkley Marathons, which I watched four times in the week after discovering it.

The Barkley Marathons – addictive viewing




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