Restore your window glass in a matter of a few minutes and at a minimal price.

Window Medics Ottawa
4 min readJul 1, 2022


There’s nothing worse than returning home after a long day at work to find your home has been broken into and all the windows smashed. It’s a frightening thought and one that many of us don’t like to think about. But it does happen — and when it does, you need to be prepared to deal with the aftermath.

If you can’t replace the window in the house immediately, there are ways of temporarily covering up the damaged windows so that you don’t have to spend your evenings freezing at home. One of them is by covering it up with plywood or something similar.

But what do you do if this happens to more than one window? The only solution here is to find out how to restore window glass and get back those panes of glass as soon as possible, so read on for everything you need to know about restoring your broken window panes in no time.

What Can Cause Windows To Break?

As you can see, several different factors can cause windows to break. Here are some of the most common ones:

Bad installation — Poorly installed windows aren’t only a fire hazard, they can also break if there’s a strong enough gust of wind. Poorly installed windows are more likely to crack under pressure caused by high winds, so it’s important to check the installation of your windows to make sure they can handle the pressure.

Bad window design — If you have a particularly delicate design, you may want to consider alternatives. Some designs are more prone to breakage than others, so it’s important to choose a design that can withstand the pressure of daily life. Stop the Leak and Preserve the Evidence Window glass is fragile, and once it’s broken, it’s important to control the situation as quickly as possible. There are some simple but effective steps you can take to stop the flow of water and preserve the evidence: Seal the edges of the break — If the break in your window is sharp, find something that can cover the edges of the broken pane so that you can effectively seal the break. This means that the water flow is stopped and the integrity of the glass is preserved.

Find something to cover the window — It’s important to cover the window so that you don’t risk the water spreading throughout your house. A piece of plywood should do the trick, but if you don’t have any plywood, you can use a tarpaulin or any other water-resistant material.

Great Options For Temporarily Repairing Window Glass

There are two great options if you want to restore your broken window panes:

Temporary window glazing — Temporary window glazing is exactly what it sounds like: a piece of glass that is installed in place of the broken window pane. The great thing about this solution is that it will seal the broken pane while still letting light through into the room.

The only downside is that it’s not a permanent solution. Temporary window glazing is easy to install and can be removed just as quickly. It’s also affordable and available in a wide range of designs, so you can find a temporary solution that matches the style of your home.

Temporary window shutters — If you have a broken window and you don’t have the resources to install a temporary pane of glass, you can install temporary window shutters instead. This is an effective and simple solution that will solve the problem until you can find a more permanent solution.

Strategies For Installing New Windows

You may want to consider installing new windows if your current ones are broken. There are a few different strategies you can take if you want to replace your windows:

Buy new windows — This is the obvious solution and one that will be easier if you have home insurance. If you have broken windows, your insurance company will cover the cost of installing new ones. Your insurance company will have a list of reputable companies that you can choose from, and you can even go through a bidding process so that you can get the best value for your money.

Find a company that does retrofit — Retrofitting is a process in which the company installs new windows that match the design of your existing windows. This is a great option if you want to preserve the look of your home but still get modern functionality and energy efficiency.

This is also a great option if you want to keep your existing windows, but they need to be repaired. Install new windows yourself — This is not an option for everyone, but it is an option for some people. If you have a strong DIY ethic and the skills required to install the new windows, then this could be a great solution for you.

Just be sure that you are hiring an experienced contractor if you do decide to go this route so that you can get the job done properly and safely.


When it comes to window glass, it’s important to remember that prevention is always better than cure. By taking proper care of your windows, you can easily avoid all of these problems.

This article has explored the different ways that your windows can break and what you can do to restore them. With these strategies, you will be able to repair your broken windows in no time, or else you can always find Window Medics for help. They are always a call away with their professional services.

