Cryptocurrency design by EDC Blockchain

Otto Grass
3 min readAug 20, 2019


Today’s world offers people new challenges, and they need to follow new trends just to stay successful and keep pace with the times. Cryptocurrencies spread into different fields of modern life, and people use it for more and more goals. That’s why those people who try to build their own business have to take into account benefits from the usage of cryptocurrency.

Why do we need cryptocurrency?

People want to create their own cryptocurrency because of different reasons. Most of them are connected with potential financial profit. People can take it thanks to the attraction of investments in their projects or just for speculations with a new coin on the market. In addition, coins can be used as an instrument for inner payments on some websites. It is often used in entertaining resources.

The usage of cryptocurrency in business projects can give different advantages. Tokenization of such projects has such pluses:

1. Safety of transactions

2. Confidentiality

3. Higher speed of transactions

4. More opportunities for anonymity

5. Information security

How to design your own coin

People can create their own cryptocurrency by themselves or use special services where it will be made much more easily. If you use such services, you don’t need to worry about technical difficulties connected with the process of the creation of a new cryptocurrency.

EDC Blockchain (here is the link to website: is a global platform where people can use ready-made blockchain solutions for business. One of these solutions is a designer of coins.

The number of active users of this platform is more than 1,200,000 people from different countries all over the world. You can join this community and use the coin constructor here:

If you use this way to create a cryptocurrency, you won’t need a special computing equipment, hosting services or outstanding programmers. When you set the settings that you need, program will start to work.

You can choose a ready package in order to create your coin. After the creation of your own token you will be able to use it in your business projects, trade it on exchanges or implement it into the global payment system. Here are these packages:

Basic Package. This solution allows to create a nominal token or a coin for a small turnover. Here you can set symbol and description of your cryptocurrency. It costs 1,000 EDC (it is a coin of the platform EDC Blockchain).

Plus Package. This package will match more ambitious projects. Available properties of this solution are: symbol, description, maximum supply and premine. The usage of this package costs 10,000 EDC.

Premium Package. This solution let make a full-fledged coin where you can set many parameters. It is a package for the most serious projects. That’s why this solution costs much more: 500,000 EDC. Here is the list of parameters that you can set:

· Symbol

· Description

· Maximum supply

· Premine

· Daily bonus

· Daily bonus percent

· Number of decimal points

· Coin maturing

· Maturing bonus balance

· Mining

· Transfer is required

· Mandatory transfer

Your cryptocurrency will be protected by a special code. In addition, EDC Blockchain offers package-deals for creating crypto assets, listing on partner exchanges and marketing support.

Links to the pages of EDC Blockchain:








The author of this article on BitcoinTalk: thlayli (;u=2637842)

