Amine Oubih
3 min readMay 20, 2024


Photo by Marija Zaric on Unsplash

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The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is a name of which very few people even in the law enforcement circle would have not heard and that would also have sparked fear or respect in some — not all. The Bureau of Investigation for the United States’ public safety and the instigation of national security, has reported success in years past of capturing the most feared individuals and in some prevented attempts on the security of the nation. Nevertheless, although flicks and the TV show concentrate on such facets as valor in the back of the scenes of the case are to be hidden — brown paper is filled with covert missions and operations concealed from the public as well as abuse of power.

FBI traces its origin back in 1908 as the Bureau of Investigation, during which its image has suffered greatly on either account. The roots of The Bureau partially spawned from the need to deal with inter-state crime and to preserve order. However, over time it got trapped in political matters and power struggles. Later on, President William McKinley`s assassination in 1901 caused the expansion of the bureau, while its founder President Theodore Roosevelt was supportive of an independent investigative body that was not linked to other federal agencies. In this way a framework of the FBI grew, but there was hesitation about this kind of authorities that violates also privacy and office’s activities reminded East European secret police.

Over the course of its history, the FBI was frequently associated with unethical methods, unlawful misconduct and even some instances of cover-ups which led the public to distrust and resent the FBI agency. On the efforts of the Japanese Americans during the World War II, one of the most terrible chapters committed in the history of United States was the internment of over 70,000 Japanese Americans in detainment camps after the Pearl Harbor was attacked. The significant case of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s number 9066 Executive Order, which was meant for the national security, instead resulted in the mass incarceration of innocent individuals based entirely on their ethnicity — a very clear breach of people’s civil rights.

The FBI overzealous behavior reached out beyond wartime hysteria, attempting to crush political enemies and activists that were considered subversive to the prevailing systems. The FBI is widely known to have utilized COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program) to spread within, disrupt, and discredit power groups like feminist organizations, civil rights organizations, and peace and justice movements. Strategies implemented were comprising of the spreading of hate, forgery of evidence, and creating conflicts within groups from the opposite sides. Actually this was too unethical that it was against the democratic laws of the country.

Furthermore, the FBI’s connivance with collusion to whitewash racially charged indictments and stifling of dissent mars the agency as a citadel of fairness. Not only when it comes to diverting informants into commitment of the crimes they told about to the bureau, but also when it comes to setting up own false terrorism plots, the bureau is even further away from peace and the rule of law. One might think as extreme as the Gary Thomas Rowe Jr. , the informant charged in heinous crimes, case illustrates the extent the Bureau would go to follow dead end suspects.

Although nowadays we are living in contemporary times, the truth of FBI violation is still alive, The bureau was in the spotlight on several occasions following the reports of harassment of Black Lives Matter activists and negligence of rape cases against prominent people that transpired, showing systemic problems in the bureau. The recurrent situations of entrapment, surveillance, and outright deception portray the scandals that weak public trust while the whole deal is put in danger.

In the age of ubiquitous surveillance and government overreach, vigilance is paramount. The FBI’s history serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us of the dangers posed by unchecked power and the imperative of holding institutions accountable. As guardians of justice, the FBI must uphold the highest ethical standards and prioritize the protection of civil liberties above all else. Anything less would betray the ideals upon which this nation was founded and perpetuate the cycle of oppression and injustice.

