Andy Welker
3 min readFeb 3, 2019


Drug testing is the process of screening for any substance abuse in the body. For most employers, it is one of the requirements of an employee to undergo drug tests. But have you ever wondered if employees really like the idea of them being screened?

Most employees view the entire process of workplace testing as a violation of their privacy. Workplace testing has become a necessity for most industries since drugs have become very easily accessible to anyone and thus increasing the chances of substance abuse.

However, Even with a no drug policy in some employees go against it, and they still use drugs and go to work. Employers who go to work under influence cause potential harm to themselves and their workmates.

Many companies have testing policies in order to maintain a safe, accident-free zone for their employees. From the employers view testing can help in many ways, however, from the employees side the benefits of this screening is minimum.

There are laws that guide on testing and screening of an individual depending on countries and state. Most companies are not are not required by law to test for drugs abuse. However, all companies in logistics, safety, defense, and aviation are required by the law to undergo drug and alcohol test. Other industries can decide to test on their employers in order to make the employee work in a drug-free environment.

Drug Testing Laws

Drug testing laws vary by state. For example, industries regulated by the U.S. Department of Transportation are only covered by federal drug testing requirements and state drug testing laws do not apply on them. In some states, there are limits to when and how drug screening can be conducted. These laws govern on all drug testing procures.

When should drug testing be performed?

Drug testing can be performed on employees in various instances. Drug testing is mostly used after a successful job interview. If you completed every interview, you will be sent to the lab to submit a sample.

Many job applicants are prepared for this and try to cheat the drug test with various drug detox products. If you click here, you can read a really interesting article on how to pass a drug test with household products.


Before one is taken in by any they usually require one to undergo tests in order to prevent employing drug abusers.


When one had tested positive on drug abuse and was given a chance to clean and be employed again. They are required to undergo a drug test to prove that they are clean.

However, some instances e incidents that are considered as infringing of privacy. These instances vary from time to time.

Take for example taking a drug test on someone who is under influence and is not in their right conscious. Performing such tests can be legally damaging to an organization and infringing of one’s privacy. In this case, one can decide to Sue the employer.

Employers who test their employees for drug use may do so at will, and the policy is usually outlined clearly in the employee guidelines or handbook. When companies conduct further testing they use the following protocols, which include the following substances as well: marijuana, amphetamines, cocaine, phencyclidine, opioids.


Drug testing for employees should, however, be allowed by the law since it will make the employee not abuse any substance and make the working environment good for all.

