Overcoming Serpentine Spirits with Prophet Brian Mundopa

Oudney Patsika
5 min readJun 21, 2019


The serpentine spirit is the spirit of the serpent. The serpent is the devil and serpents are used in satanic powers to attack people. The serpent is a deceiver.

Serpentine spirits strike with its tongue and its responsible for ancestral powers, rebellion, prostitution, selfishness, divisions, confusions, gossips, seduction, terror, ego, mind control, magic, divination, they swallow up finances and blessings.

Overcoming Serpentine Spirits with Prophet Brian Mundopa

Serpentine spirits always want to discredit others and gather others to oppose those in leadership, the spirit does not stop to fight you it strikes until it paralyses you its aim is to destroy you so that you may lose hope in God. God has given us the power to overcome all the powerless power of the enemy no matter how fierce they look.

The authority and the name of Jesus Christ are above everything that is named including all serpents.

Overcoming Serpentine Spirits with Prophet Brian Mundopa

Luke 10:19 19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. KJV

Ecclesiastes 10:8 8 He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it; and whoso breaketh a hedge, a serpent shall bite him. KJV

When you sin you remove the protective hedge of divine protection which is a covenant of every genuine child of God. When the hedge is broken there will be an open door for the serpent to come in and bit you. Serpents can attack you when you rebel against God and His servants.

What Serpent Spirits Do:

1. Serpentine spirits hate someone when they prosper.

2. They only love when there are bitterness, unforgiveness and secret sins.

3. They hide where the light of God is absent in a person’s life especially when someone sin.

Overcoming Serpentine Spirits with Prophet Brian Mundopa

4. They are controlling and dominating.

5. They love it when you are down.

6. Their agenda is only to kill, steal and destroy John 10: 10.

7. They attack people in their dreams and introduce terrible sicknesses and afflictions.

8. They attack people in their dreams through eating, drinking and having sex.

9. They attack you when you help that is under their attack.

10. They instil fear in their victims.

11. They promote curses to come upon people.

Symptoms Of Serpents:

1. Spirits Strange diseases and confusion.

2. Riches to rags.

3. Demotion from grace to grass, your juniors overtake and pass you.

4. You are always in the tail region yet the bible says you must be the head.

5. Living below heavens standards.

6. No clear picture of where you are going in your life.

7. Diverted and wasted life.

8. You always miss your divine timing.

9. Your life is full of errors and mistakes.

10. You get people wanting to assist you and then all of a sudden they disappear.

11. Instead of progression, your life is full of digression others you started with they always overtake you.

12. Your hardworking versus to what you produce is not equal it’s just wasted efforts.

13. Murmuring against God and His Servants.

How To Get Victory Over Serpentine Spirits:

1. Repent.

2. Stop murmuring against God and His Servants.

3. Surrender your life to Christ.

4. Get filled with the Holy Spirit the serpents cannot stand the fire.

5. Use your spiritual weapons.

6. Consult a Gods Servant and go for deliverance.

7. Do not sin or else something worse can happen to you.

Serpentine spirits are real I once did deliverance to another lady from these serpentine spirits. The time I was conducting deliverance I saw her tongue rolled like of a serpent and the demon said it entered her because she loved pornography videos so the time she was entertaining herself through watching the videos that are the same time the serpent spirits entered her. If you have pornography videos and albums destroy them and burn them right now. You have to make sure that all the opening doors are closed for the snake not to enter.

Overcoming Serpentine Spirits with Prophet Brian Mundopa

Job 20:15 15 He hath swallowed down riches, and he shall vomit them up again: God shall cast them out of his belly. KJV

Isaiah 61:7 7 For your shame ye shall have double; and for confusion, they shall rejoice in their portion: therefore in their land, they shall possess the double: everlasting joy shall be unto them. KJV

All the riches and inheritance that was swallowed by the devil I command it to be swallowed right now. I declare that for your shame you shall have double and victory is yours in Jesus mighty name.

I destroy all the serpents’ eggs before they hatch in the name of Jesus Christ and I command them to go to hell right now!

Overcoming Serpentine Spirits with Prophet Brian Mundopa



Oudney Patsika

Oudney Patsika Is A Brand Architect, Cinematographer, Social Analyst, Social Media Expert, Online andSocial Media Web Entrepreneur.