Subspace Stake War 2 is Coming Soon, Grasp the Stake Details

8 min readJun 4, 2024


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Earn Rewards and Community Reputation by Stake War 2

The Subspace network provides network security by locking the resources of Operators and Farmers, and Operators implement it through the NPOS mechanism, providing collateral and executing transactions.

In the past Stack War 1, Subsapce provided an additional reward of 0.6% of the total supply, allocated to over 1000 Operators and Nominators, incentivizing them to continue testing the components of the Subspace network.

According to the Subspace team, Stack War 2 is about to begin, providing more Operator experience and opportunities for those interested to adjust local facilities, enabling them to become the first batch of Operators on the main network, earn transaction fees for messages, and become security providers.

Participate in Stack War 2 and strive to become the largest Operator, earning bonuses and community reputation.

How to Participate

Role Description


● Responsibilities: Operator runs nodes, similar to Farmer, but with different node configurations. The Operator is responsible for executing transactions submitted by users.

● Stake: The Operator pledges tokens as credit to provide security for the network. If the Operator engages in wrongdoing, there is a possibility of losing some of the stake.

● Reward: The more stake, the higher the likelihood of being selected to execute the transaction, and the more opportunities to earn transaction fees.


● Character: The Nominator is a token holder who selects an Operator and pledges their Token to the Operator.

● Impact: Nominator’s stake increases the Operator’s total stake, thereby increasing the opportunity for the Operator to earn transaction fees.

● Revenue: Nominators can earn a portion of the transaction fees charged by their chosen Operators.

Staking Model

The Operator obtains the right to execute transactions and generate blocks within the Domain (currently in Nova) by pledging tokens. The Operator is responsible for verifying transactions, executing transactions, generating execution results, and so on, in order to receive work rewards (i.e. transaction fees).

The opportunity for an Operator to be elected as a slot leader is determined by their amount of collateral. Currently, each Operator has a maximum of 256 Nominators, and both the Operator and Nominator provide more collateral, thus increasing the chances of being elected as a slot leader.

Any SSC (currently testnet as TSSC) holder can pledge their tokens through an Operator without becoming an Operator or Farmer themselves, so Farmers can also nominate Operators to earn transaction fees in addition to block revenue and help maintain a high level of network security.

Nomination Pools

The total pledge of the Operator has a minimum limit (based on actual parameters), and only those above the limit have the right to earn transaction fees. The probability of an Operator becoming a slot leader is directly proportional to the percentage of their total pledge amount to the total pledge amount of all Operators in this domain, so the pledge of each Operator is equivalent to the summary of the pledge pool of its Nominators.

Each Operator will set a threshold for the pledge amount of their Nominator and the tax charged to the Nominator. This is the commission for the Operator’s work and will automatically be recalculated into the Operator’s pledge amount.

Any token holder who has exceeded the minimum Nominator staking threshold (currently 1 TSSC) can choose to join the Operator pool by submitting external nominations and the amount of token deposits they wish to pledge.

  1. The number of tokens deposited will be added to the pending deposit list in the Operator Pool;
  2. At the end of an Epoch (100 blocks, i.e. 10 minutes), Nominator’s deposit will be processed;
  3. A portion of the deposit is used as a reserve for the storage fee fund. The storage fee fund is calculated as a percentage of the deposit (currently 20%) and is used to pay for the storage fee of the Bundle created by the Operator, without affecting the distribution of collateral. The reserve funds will be transferred to the Operator’s storage fee fund, while the remaining deposits will still be locked in the Nominator’s account, and a portion of the amount will be refunded for each withdrawal.
  4. Nominator obtains its share (or share) in the Operator Pool. The pledged shares are based on the percentage of total shares distributed across each Nominator. Share is used to calculate the share of income that Nominists are entitled to receive from Operators based on the amount and term of their pledge.

Stake Shares Calculation

● Calculate the shares_per_ssc (the share that can be obtained for each TSSC pledged) when Epoch ends:

● shares_per_ssc=total_shares/(pool_total_stake+fees * (1-nomination_ tax))

● Allocate shares to Nominator based on Pool’s shares_per_ssc:

● shares=deposit_amount * shares_per_ssc

● The deposit_amount is added to the pool_total_stake of the Operator Pool, as well as the total pledge of the Domain.

● The shares of the Nominator are added to the total_shares of the Operator’s pool.

Any fees earned by the Operator will be allocated to the pool and will not be deposited into the Nominator’s wallet address unless the Nominator requests a withdrawal. Unless withdrawn, the fees will be automatically pledged.

When the Nominator decides to withdraw its pledge or fees, it will submit a withdrawal and process it at the end of Epoch. The pledge will be removed from the total pledge of the Operator pool and Domain. Then the Nominator has the right to receive a percentage of the fees based on the pledged shares and pledge time.

Operators can also withdraw their pledges and fees at any time by submitting withdraw_stake. Operators who wish to withdraw all pledges and fees obtained must submit a Deregistration, as withdrawing amounts below the minimum pledge requirement for Domain is prohibited. The cancelled Operator will be removed from the Domain, and its pledge and all Nominator pledges will be returned to its account.

Unlocking Funds

The lock up period for withdrawals is 28800 blocks (approximately 48 hours). After the lock up period, the withdrawal amount can be unlocked in the user’s account through unlock_funds. All withdrawals requested within the same pledge period will be summarized and unlocked at once.


Operator A holds 10000 TSSC and is registered as an Operator, requiring Nominator to pledge a minimum of 1 TSSC and a commission rate of 5%. The required storage fee fund is 20%. Operator A has two Nominals, N1 and N2, each pledging 5000 TSSCs.

Initially, shares_per_ssc=1, so A obtained 8000 shares, N1 and N2 each had 4000 shares, and total shares=8000+4000+4000=16000 in the stake.

20% of each deposit is transferred to the storage fee fund: A reserves 2000 TSSC, N1 and N2 reserve 1000 TSSC each, for a total of 4000 TSSC.

The staking summary will look like this:

In the next epoch, the pool has earned 2000 SSC of compute fees and refunded an extra 400 SSC of storage fees. The Operator took 5% of compute fees as a commission (100 SSC) automatically restaked for 100 share and 5 SSC deposited to storage fee fund.

The pool stake is now 16000+2000+100=18100 SSC and storage reserve is now 4000+400=4400 SSC. The pool end-of-epoch shares_per_ssc is now 16000/(16000+2000∗(1−0.05))=0.893855.

Notice that 4400 SSC of storage fees refunded do not count into shares_per_ssc calculation, which allows us to sustain stable stake distribution despite the fluctuating size of the storage fee fund.

If a new nominator N3​ stakes 3360 SSC, 672 SSC will be transferred to the storage fee fund, and the shares N3​ will get is ((3360−672)∗0.893855)=2400. The pool total stake becomes 18100+2688=20788 SSC, total shares 16000+2400+100=18500 and storage fee reserve 5072 SSC.

At the end of the epoch, the updated staking summary for the next epoch will look like this:

Assuming that after a period of time, the shares_per_ssc of this Operator Pool becomes 0.8, and the storage fee fund balance is 5200 TSSC.

Assuming N1 wants to “sell” withdraw_shares=2000 shares.

At the end of the epoch, these 2000 shares will be released from the pledge, and the corresponding 2000/0.8=2500 TSSC will be deducted from the total pledge of the pool.

N1 will result in a total of (withdraw_shares/shares_per_ssc)+storage_fee_found_balance ∗ (storage_feed_deposit/total_storage_feed_deposits) ∗ (withdraw_shares/shares)=2500+5200 ∗ 1000/4672 ∗ 20/40=3057 TSSC.

If N1 wants to retrieve all the pledges and fees, that is, sell all withdraw_shares=40 shares, he will receive (4000/0.8)+5200 * (1000/4672) * (4000/4000)=6113 TSSC, earning 1113 TSSC.

After the lock period ends, the retrieved amount can be unlocked in the account.

This example (formula) also indicates that the actual calculation is performed using shannons (1 SSC=10 ^ 18 shannons). (Shannon is the smallest unit of SSC)

Staking Epochs

The Epoch of pledge is a period of time during which the distribution of pledge remains unchanged. This cycle is currently set to 100 blocks (approximately 10 minutes).

The end of each Epoch triggers a series of events to transition to the next Epoch.

These events include:

  • Allocate the fees obtained from the confirmed blocks within the Epoch;
  • Deposit and retrieval of pledge;
  • Operator registration and cancellation;
  • Recalculate the distribution of pledges for slot leader elections;

Therefore, new Operators must wait until the end of the current Epoch to register as Operators, new Nominators must wait until the end of the current Epoch to be nominated, and new pledged deposits and withdrawals must wait until the end of the current epoch to be processed. Once the Epoch transition ends, the next Epoch begins.

Power Balance

Token Holders and Farmers who receive storage rewards can nominate Operators to execute transactions. The Subspace system balances the power between nominated Farmers (or Holders) and Operators, with both parties sharing costs and potential penalties.

Nominated Operators have a higher chance of packaging blocks proportional to their pledged quantity, in order to earn higher income. Farmers and Holders have the right to nominate trusted Operators to properly execute transactions. On the other hand, Operators compete for nominations by providing excellent services, maintaining a good reputation within the community, and receiving reasonable commissions. Nominator also reserves the right to withdraw nominations at any time to ensure that the Operator continues to take responsibility.

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