Yolov8 training with AzureML and the az CLI
Azure Machine Learning provides a comprehensive solution for managing the entire lifecycle of machine learning models. This tutorial will explore using AzureML to train and continuously improve a machine-learning model. Here we will train the Yolov8 object detection model developed by Ultralytics.
- An AzureML workspace.
- Install the Azure CLI.
- Install the az cli AzureML extension.
- Sign in using az login.
Configure your workspace and resource group
Let’s configure your default workspace and resource group. It will avoid specifying your AzureML workspace and resource group for every AzureML command. If you don’t configure it you will need to append the -w <your-azureml-workspace> -g <your-resource-group> options to all your `az ml` commands.
az configure --defaults workspace=<your-workspace-name> group=<your-resource-group-name>
Create an azureml folder
Let’s create an azureml folder where we will store all our azureml resource definitions.
mkdir azureml
Create an AzureML environment
We need to create an AzureML environment with all the required dependencies to run our training.
Let’s create a folder azureml-environment, it will contain the docker-context to build the environment. In this folder, let’s add a Dockerfile with the required dependencies to run our training:
FROM pytorch/pytorch:2.0.0-cuda11.7-cudnn8-runtime
# Downloads to user config dir
ADD https://ultralytics.com/assets/Arial.ttf https://ultralytics.com/assets/Arial.Unicode.ttf /root/.config/Ultralytics/
# Install linux packages
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
RUN apt update
RUN TZ=Etc/UTC apt install -y tzdata
RUN apt install --no-install-recommends -y gcc git zip curl htop libgl1-mesa-glx libglib2.0-0 libpython3-dev gnupg g++
# Security updates
# https://security.snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-UBUNTU1804-OPENSSL-3314796
RUN apt upgrade --no-install-recommends -y openssl tar
RUN pip install ultralytics==8.0.132
RUN pip install azureml-mlflow==1.52.0
RUN pip install mlflow==2.4.2
Now let’s create a yaml file to define our environment, let’s call it environment.yaml and store it in the azureml folder.
$schema: https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/environment.schema.json
name: yolov8-environment
path: ../azureml-environment
`build.path` contains the path of the docker-context relative to the location of the yaml definition file.
So far your folder structure should be:
├── environment.yaml
├── azureml-environment/
│ ├── Dockerfile
Now create the AzureML environment:
az ml environment create -f azureml/environment.yaml
Now you should be able to see your environment in AzureML studio.
Create an AzureML compute cluster
We need a compute instance from where we can run the training. We will create a compute cluster that auto-scales from 0 to 2 active nodes.
We will make sure that:
- Idling nodes scale down after 2 minutes of inactivity
- The minimum number of running nodes is 0, to avoid the cost of idling nodes.
You can find more information about clusters auto-scaling here.
To create the compute cluster, first we create a file azureml/compute.yaml with this compute cluster yaml definition:
$schema: https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/amlCompute.schema.json
name: mycluster
type: amlcompute
size: Standard_DS3_v2 # Because in this example we are using a small training dataset I selected a small CPU instance. You need to choose a compute instance fitting your training resource requirements.
min_instances: 0 # I recommend to always keep min_instances = 0 to avoid the cost of idling node.
max_instances: 2
idle_time_before_scale_down: 120 # Scale down idling node after 2 minutes.
location: westeurope # You can the location that best fits you
Then we can run the following command to create the AzureML compute cluster:
az ml compute create -f azureml/compute.yaml
Here we called the cluster mycluster. You will later need to specify the name of your compute cluster to run your training.
You can see your compute cluster in AzureML studio
Create an AzureML dataset
If you want to have a custom dataset and want to create your own data loader you would need to have a look to yolov8 advanced customization.
For this tutorial we will use the coco128 dataset. We will create an AzureML data asset to bookmark our dataset and easily use the dataset for various trainings.
Let’s download our training dataset:
wget https://ultralytics.com/assets/coco128.zip
unzip coco128.zip
And create a dataset definition file azureml/dataset.yaml:
$schema: https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/data.schema.json
name: coco128
description: Coco 128 dataset
type: uri_folder
path: ../coco128 # path relative to the azureml folder
Here we specify the local path of the dataset, which means that the dataset will be uploaded from your local to AzureML. But note that AzureML dataset supports several type of paths, for example a path on Azure storage.
Now you can create the dataset by running:
az ml data create -f azureml/dataset.yaml
Your local dataset will be uploaded to AzureML. Now your dataset name should be azureml:coco128:1. You can see your dataset in AzureML studio in Data > Data asset. Note that if you create a dataset with the same name several time, it will create several versions of your dataset.
Register a pre-trained model
We will train a pre-trained model. Note that you can find the yolov8 pre-trained models here.
Let’s download the yolov8n.pt model:
wget https://github.com/ultralytics/assets/releases/download/v0.0.0/yolov8n.pt
Now you can register the yolov8n model from the AzureML studio UI, or by creating an azureml/model.yaml file definition:
$schema: https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/model.schema.json
name: yolov8n
path: ../yolov8n.pt # path of model relative to the azureml folder
description: yolov8n pre-trained model
and by running:
az ml model create -f azureml/model.yaml
We will create a training-code folder containing the required files to run our training.
I want to show you how you can create your custom dataset definition. So we will download the coco128.yaml and call it custom-coco128.yaml.
We have to put this file in the `training-code` folder to make sure it is available when running our training:
mkdir training-code
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ultralytics/ultralytics/main/ultralytics/datasets/coco128.yaml -O training-code/custom-coco128.yaml
We want to ensure that the AzureML job uses our dataset coco128, rather than downloading it during the job, so let’s remove the last line of the custom-coco128.yaml:
# Download script/URL (optional)
download: https://ultralytics.com/assets/coco128.zip
Run the training
An AzureML job execute a task against a compute target. We will create an AzureMl job that executes the yolov8 training against the compute cluster we created earlier.
Let’s create a file containing an azureml job yaml definition azureml/job.yaml.
$schema: https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/commandJob.schema.json
experiment_name: yolov8-experiment
command: |
sed -i "s|path:.*$|path: ${{ inputs.training_data }}|" custom-coco128.yaml
# Train the model
yolo task=detect train data=custom-coco128.yaml model=${{ inputs.model_to_train }} epochs=3 project=yolov8-experiment name=experiment
type: uri_folder
path: azureml:coco128:1
type: custom_model
path: azureml:yolov8n:1
code: ../training-code/
environment: azureml:yolov8-environment:1
compute: azureml:mycluster
Let’s have a closer look to this job definition.
You can see that we defined an input `training_data`, this is our coco dataset.
AzureML will mount or download this dataset, and when using ${{ inputs.training_data }} in the command, AzureML will take care of resolving the filesystem path value.
We will train our model with the following command:
yolo task=detect train data=custom-coco128.yaml model=${{ inputs.model_to_train }} epochs=3 project=yolov8-experiment name=experiment
Here we hard-coded epochs=3. This value could be passed as an input parameter.
You can look at the ultralytics documentation to get more details about each setting.
In this command, we pass data=custom-coco128.yaml. Our dataset definition custom-coco128.yaml should contain a setting called path, that represents the dataset root dir. For now, its value is:
path: ../datasets/coco128
We want to change the path value to be the path of our AzureML dataset coco128.
In AzureML jobs, inputs datasets can be accessed by mounting or downloading them. When you use ${{ inputs.training_data }} in a command, AzureML resolves the filesystem path of the dataset. However, it is not guaranteed that the filesystem path is consistent between different job runs, so we can’t hardcode the path in the yaml file.
To work around this, you can dynamically edit the path in the AzureML job, just before running the training.
That’s why we added the following sed command to replace path: <anything> by path: <path-to-our-training-dataset>.
sed -i "s|path:.*$|path: ${{ inputs.training_data }}|" coco128.yaml
We also defined a model_to_train input. This is the pre-trained model that we will start the training from.
Let’s run the training with:
az ml job create -f azureml/job.yaml
Training results
Let’s have a look at our training job.
In the overall overview you can find useful information about your job, for example the input training dataset and the parameters (logged with MLFlow) used to train the model.
You can see the job logs in the Output + logs tab.
You can see the metrics logged with MLFLow.
You can also see the artifacts helping you to evaluate your model. last.pt is the model at the last training iteration, and best.pt is the best resulting model of the training steps.
Continuous improvement of the training
You can register the resulting model of your training and train it later.
In job Overview, you can select Register model. Select model of type Unspecified type and select the yolov8-experiment/artifacts/experiment/weights/best.pt artifact.
In order to re-train this model, you need to specify the right model path in the azureml job definition:
type: custom_model
path: azureml:<your-registered-model-name>:<model-version>
Compare experiment metrics
If you run several trainings, you can compare the metrics of experiments against each other. You can select several job runs that you want to compare and use the Compare view to compare your model performance.
You can also find here a Github repository containing the instructions and the yaml definition files.
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