OU Price College’s Center for MIS Studies announces 2022–23 awards

OU Price College of Business
3 min readFeb 24, 2023


The Center for MIS Studies at the University of Oklahoma’s Michael F. Price College of Business celebrated its 2022–23 award recipients at its Spring CMISS Retreat in Norman on Thursday, Feb. 16.

The Center for MIS Studies Fellow of the Year was awarded to MIS senior Matthew Brinkmeyer. Outstanding Teaching Assistant honors went to Connor Burns, Nicole Goral, and Norma Lilia Ruiz Cruz, while Russell Taylor earned the inaugural MIS Student Association Award.

Brent Jordan, Chair of the CMISS Executive Board and DevOps Strategy Architect for Paycom, presented the awards, along with Radhika Santhanam, Michael F. Price Chair of Management Information Systems and MIS Division Director.

Top row: Norma Lilia Ruiz Cruz (left), Nicole Goral (right). Bottom row: Connor Burns (left), Russell Taylor (right).

MIS students, faculty and the business community learned from each other during February’s Center of MIS Studies (CMISS) Spring Retreat. The event, which was attended by MIS Division business partners and friends, showcased the strength of the center’s purpose, which is to function as a partnership between academia and business for the sharing of knowledge, skills, and efforts to enhance student educational experiences and research collaborations.

Stephanie Stewart, Pioneer Natural Resources’ chief information officer and vice president, delivered the industry keynote, speaking about machine learning and digital disruption in organizations. MIS professor Naveen Kumar presented his research about the business impact of management response strategies to reviews on digital platforms.

Student groups also presented their projects. CMISS board chair Brent Jordan, who is Paycom’s DevOps strategy architect, emceed the event and presented CMISS student award certificates.

About the Michael F. Price College of Business

The University of Oklahoma Michael F. Price College of Business has experienced significant growth over the past five years, becoming OU’s second-largest college with over 5,500 students. The college offers highly ranked undergraduate, master’s, executive and doctoral programs across six academic divisions.

More information is available at price.ou.edu.

About OU’s Center for Management Information Systems Studies

The Center for Management Information Systems Studies (CMISS) is an interdisciplinary research center located in the Michael F. Price College of Business at the University of Oklahoma. CMISS is a partnership between academia and business to share the knowledge, skills, and efforts of the University of Oklahoma’s MIS Division with member firms in a framework that encourages innovation and productivity.

Learn more at ou.edu/price/mis/cmiss.



OU Price College of Business

News and blogs from the Michael F. Price College of Business at the University of Oklahoma.