3 Simple Steps to Getting the Biggest Piece of the Pie

Our Big House
2 min readAug 22, 2017

By Bethany

One of the benefits of communal living is that there is almost always a home made cake sitting on the counter, courtesy of Chef Michael. It’s a real treat for our taste buds, not so good for our waist line.

So let’s get something off the table right away. If you are reading this post solely because you love pie (ahem…Bryan) then you will be sorely disappointed. You, my friend, have been click baited.

In all honesty, this post is about how six adults approach the serious side of owning a home together. The side of the story which involves mortgages, credit checks, a lawyer, and many, many (many!) signatures.

So first things first, our new home is owned by six adults made up of 3 couples (Michael & Hope, Eric & Sarah, Lucas & Bethany) and if any of you are mathematically inclined you should know that there is no perfect way to split anything by 3. It is the curse of the 33.33333333…%. Therefore, when sitting down with our lawyer and signing our lives away, he informed us that one couple would be getting 33.34%, a whole 0.01% more than everybody else, and that lucky couple just so happened to be us (Lucas & Bethany).

So to jump back to the title of this post, I really do have “3 Simple Steps to Getting the Biggest Piece of the Pie”. The financial pie that is.

  • Step One: Be the only couple with a different last name.
  • Step Two: Be the youngest couple.
  • Step Three: Be the couple bringing the least amount of equity and life experience to the table.

Now you might be thinking, these are not real steps. But hey, they worked for us! Any of the three things above will get your name listed last on all legal documentation and, in this case, being last makes you the winner of the prestigious 33.34% spot. Lucas and I are the controlling shareholders of our home. Voila!

Need a cake for an upcoming celebration, dinner party or event? Email michaelv@vianet.ca to get a custom order cake made specially for you.



Our Big House

What happens when 6 adults and 3 kids decide to buy a home together and live in intentional community? Follow along as we post a new “snapshot” every Tuesday.