#BonfireStories — Introducing Filmmaker and writer Marshall Tyler

Our Campfire
7 min readJul 10, 2019
Marshall Tyler | Photo Credit: Unknown

1. When it comes to storytelling, where do you get your inspiration from?

A lot of reading. A lot of just trying to sort through it all. You know, life, love, the pursuit of happiness, everyday headlines… Everyday situations turned crazy by characters in conflict… All sorts of places. Inspiration is everywhere. My job (and challenge) is to stay unlocked to see it, receive it, find it…

2. What was the inspiration behind writing and directing your recent film Cap?

Cap came to me straight from a headline. I was taken aback and moved by the circumstances of this story I came across one day while reading a gossip blog of all places. I started to do more research about the subject matter and the various circumstances around what has become an all too common theme. Yet this story was different. It hit me on so many levels, but mostly in my gut, and was one of those impactful stories that just wouldn’t let me go. It was also something that was personal to me. There’s so much I’m proud of about this film and what we’ve been able to collectively accomplish with it, one of which, is having the Inner City Youth Orchestra of Los Angeles perform the original score by my brilliant composer Timo Chin. It’s the cinematography, the performances, the costume and production…



Our Campfire

An artist-driven medium built to empower independent filmmakers to reach and engage audiences near and far. #BonfireStories https://ourcampfire.co