#BonfireStories — Introducing Filmmaker, writer and producer Kelley Kali

Our Campfire
5 min readMay 22, 2019
Kelley Kali | Photo Credit: Unknown

1. When it comes to storytelling, where do you get your inspiration from?

My dad was an African America Baptist Pastor born in Alabama. So I grew up hearing stories be told by my dad across the pulpit and in the home. Thus, storytelling has been an integral part of my life. I was able to see how dad used biblical stories and personal stories surrounding his life to reach the hearts of his congregation which often helped to influence positive changes in their lives. Witnessing this power of storytelling over the years, I knew that I wanted to be like my father but I wanted to use film as my storytelling tool. I believe that despite all of our differences, storytelling through film has always been a powerful resource in order to break barriers and reach hearts through imagery.

2. What was the inspiration behind directing and producing your recent film Lalo’s House?

My background is in Anthropology and Film from Howard University and one of my main interests had always been about children’s rights and living conditions around the world. I was studying this issue in Haiti before the earthquake and when the earthquake happened in 2010 I went back to help. It was then that I caught wind of a “Catholic” orphanage where there was a woman allegedly…



Our Campfire

An artist-driven medium built to empower independent filmmakers to reach and engage audiences near and far. #BonfireStories https://ourcampfire.co