The Outdoorsy Story So Far

Outdoorsy Kids
2 min readDec 8, 2017


I started my Outdoorsy Kids campaign about 3 months ago as part of my social media management course with DigitalMumsHQ and what an amazing journey it’s been.

As well as building a great following — and I thank you all — I have expanded on a passion for getting outdoors with my super energetic (and willing to have her picture taken) daughter!

We have explored so many places in Surrey, some of which I didn’t even know existed! We have found enjoyment in the simple things, like walking in the local woods or visiting one of the many brilliant parks as well as exploring some of the amazing farms and child-friendly outdoors destinations near to home.

So what have been my high points?
I think simply put it is ‘ A Little Dirt Never Hurt’!

Getting outdoors is FUN! Not only is it fun (in any weather), there are numerous benefits. There’s the physical aspect to being outdoors — from climbing, running, digging, exploring and more, through to the calm wellness of being in nature. I have discovered that there is a great passion out there for people who believe the same as me — that children should be given the opportunity to play and just ‘be’ outside as much as possible. Why not, after all they learn so much!

What happens next?
#OutdoorsyKids will continue! Although the course will shortly be coming to an end, my passion for being outdoors with all the little people in my life continues and I will be keeping you updated on my journey after a mini-break.

As a qualified social media manager and graphic designer, I will also be turning my attentions to new work and how I can help individuals and companies around me achieve a brilliant social presence online. In this day and age this is so important, I hope you will be happy to join me on this current and new journey!

So, who am I? This Outdoorsy Kid’s mum is #amanda_rowley and I look forward to chatting to you all soon!

