Mini Challenge 2: Selecting an area of Focus and How?

Outeraction Designers
1 min readAug 17, 2019


Have you heard of the Mumbai floods, they’re quite famous. Every year the puddles of municipality ignorance are splashed all over prime time TV with politicians debating the negligence of the party in power. (*Fun times)

If you haven’t heard of it, I’ll give you a brief overview:

Recently Mumbai flooded again in Aug’19:

  • It’s a metro city.
  • It has been proposed as a smart city (June, 2016)
  • Yet every year during monsoons it floods.
  • In 2005 approximately 1094 people died during flood. 5M mobiles and 2.3M landline users were hit for 4 hours

Thus, keeping this in mind we chose Mumbai floods as our scenario to build a system that takes together the elements of a smart city and a dash of design to help people stuck in the floods reach safer locations and continue working as a complete social fabric.

