Getting Started with ArgoCD for GitOps Kubernetes Deployments

Lukonde Mwila
10 min readFeb 20, 2022

If you’ve been paying attention to the cloud-native landscape, then you know there’s a lot to be excited about. The adoption rate of containers and Kubernetes has continued to grow over recent years and doesn’t seem to be slowing down. In the midst of this all, the rise of GitOps has stood out among the many highlights. In particular, ArgoCD has been winning over the Kubernetes community with more and more businesses using it in production.

If you’re looking to get started with ArgoCD, this post will help you understand the fundamental concepts, as well as walk you through the process of installation, configuration, adding clusters, and deploying an application to two Amazon EKS clusters.

Understanding GitOps

GitOps is a system or model that brings together source code management with Git and modern DevOps practices. It forms the basis for continuous integration and continuous deployments with Infrastructure as Code (IaC). Kubernetes is an orchestration platform with declarative APIs which complements the GitOps…

