The Last Mammoth

The Storyteller
3 min readMar 27, 2023


It was a bitterly cold winter in the vast tundra of the far north, and the snow was piled high. A lone mammoth trudged through the snow, the last of his kind. He had survived countless winters and outlasted his kin, but now he knew his time was up.

As he wandered through the snowdrifts, he thought of his long life. He had seen the world change around him, the forests giving way to grasslands, and then to ice and snow. He had roamed across vast distances, following the herds of other mammoths, but now he was alone.

The mammoth had heard tales of humans, creatures who had come to the land from across the sea, bringing with them strange new weapons and tools. He had heard that they hunted his kind, driving them to extinction. But he had never seen a human himself, and he wondered if they were just a myth.

As the days passed, the mammoth grew weaker. He could feel his strength ebbing away, his legs trembling with every step. He knew that he wouldn’t survive another winter, that this would be his last.

Then, one day, he saw something in the distance. It was a small group of humans, bundled up in fur clothing and carrying strange weapons. The mammoth knew that they were hunters, that they had come for him.

At first, he was afraid, but as they drew closer, he saw that they were not like the stories he had heard. They did not look cruel or malicious, and they did not seem to take pleasure in killing. Instead, they looked at him with a kind of wonder and respect.

The mammoth stood still as they approached, waiting for the end. But to his surprise, they did not attack. Instead, they gathered around him, examining him with curiosity and awe. They touched his fur, ran their hands along his tusks, and spoke in soft tones to him.

For the first time in his long life, the mammoth felt something other than fear. He felt a sense of wonder and awe at these strange creatures, and he realized that they were not so different from him. They were creatures of the land, just as he was, struggling to survive in a harsh and unforgiving world.

And then, with a final sigh, the last mammoth fell to the ground. The hunters gathered around him, their faces solemn and respectful. They knew that they had witnessed something rare and precious, the passing of an ancient and noble creature.

As the snow continued to fall, the hunters made camp around the mammoth’s body, sitting in silence as they mourned the passing of a world that was gone forever. And in that quiet moment, they felt a connection to something that was greater than themselves, something that had been lost in the rush of progress and civilization.

The last mammoth was gone, but his memory would live on, a testament to the majesty and wonder of the natural world.

Image from BlueWillow

