What does Walter White teach us about starting a business?

2 min readOct 30, 2016


Source: Esquire

Last night, I was watching one of the most famous scenes of Breaking Bad on YouTube for the umpteenth time. The scene in which Walter White truly becomes Heisenberg. Unlike the previous times, something dawned on me. I began to think, how can a 50-year old man, who couldn’t hurt a fly, whose entire life was a bundle of missed opportunities, a timid, self-confessed loser transform into the most dangerous man in America, making millions of dollars and run an “empire business”?

The answer, I thought, is quite simple and apparent, Walter White had a REALLY AWESOME PRODUCT.

To start with, he used his inherent skills. He didn’t go experimenting, nor did he try doing things differently. He just did it the only way he knew how. That way, he, literally, cooked up a product that was unparalleled. That turned out to be something people would pay anything for. Because the product was so damn good, its demand, as it always does, rose exponentially.

But the real deal is in the fact that Heisenberg saw the need for something that he could offer in far better quality than what was out there. He hired, if not the most capable man, but someone whom he could afford and trust. Who shared his passion. He hit the jackpot there.

He sure did face problems, both from his family and from various nefarious sources, but he kept at it. In fact, his resolve only got stronger. Because of his product, he won the interest of powerful people who could afford better equipments, which led him to increase the output and in turn, the returns.

Within few months, he became a millionaire.

That also led to him losing his family, his peace, his reputation and in the end, his life.

He was cooking meth, what else would you expect?

Of course not everyone of us wants to make a living doing illegal stuff. But this is not about what he chose to do, it’s about how he did it.

The story of Walter White, at least his rise, is the best fictional case study ever for aspiring entreprenuers and business owners.

These are the lessons I took away from the guy who knocks,

Build an awesome product | Hire the right people | Collaborate with those who understand and align with your aspirations | Find your own solutions for problems | and Never stop.

Do you concur with my opinion? Let’s fight it out in the comment section shall we?

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