6 ways to increase your daily step count

Not quite hitting those step goals? Not to worry! We have 6 ways in which you can step it up! (pun intended)

Outrun - weekly step contest
3 min readJul 3, 2019


1. Take your phone with you EVERYWHERE!

Obvious I know but even when you jump up to get yourself a drink, take your phone! Popping to the loo? Take your phone! Just got into the car and damn it, you’ve forgotten something and yes you guessed it. Take your phone!

Of course if you have a fancy smart watch you’re covered.

2. Don’t drive, walk!

Ok so maybe you live a little too far from work to walk, but if you can, then do it. This will massively increase your step count, unless you work from home. And not only will the steps rise, your cost of fuel will drop. Or perhaps you usually drive to shops? Maybe take an evening stroll instead? Often people use their car when they could easily walk the same distance.

If you live out in the sticks, I think it’s cool that you drive, not judging.

3. Start running to keep fit!

It goes without saying really, but I’m saying it anyway, running will get you more steps. Plus it’s a free, convenient and very beneficial way to improve your health and fitness. You’ll have a great hobby and your steps will increase, win win!

If you don’t feel able to run right away, start with a walk and slowly increase the pace until you’re running.

4. Take the stairs!

If you are ever faced with the choice, take the lift or take the stairs, take the damn stairs! You won’t boost that step count moving your finger swiftly from your pocket to tap that little light-up button.

If the full set of stairs is too much, try just a going up 1 floor and taking the lift from there and then work your way up.

5. Go for a post-dinner stroll!

As well as aiding your digestion and improving your blood sugar levels, a nice evening walk after your dinner will add to the step count.

This is way more pleasant in the summer months but just be sure wrap up warm in the winter.

6. Park further away!

The further away you park, the more steps it will take to get wherever it is that you have parked AND the same will happen on the way back to your car. Easy!

If it’s super rainy I think you’re good to park closer, unless you want to save money on a shower.

