Confusing Reality and Fiction: A look into Truman Show and Requiem for a DrIn recent cinema history, false sense of reality has been a recurring topic in many films. Many film genres such as; comedy, drama, action…Aug 1, 20192Aug 1, 20192
Separating Art From EntertainmentArt and entertainment can easily be referred to as the same, but there needs to be a definitive difference between the two. The definition…Sep 16, 20186Sep 16, 20186
Curiously High: How drugs shaped history and musicAgree it or not, drugs have had a big impact and influence on the history. I still can’t fathom the fact that many people still despise…Sep 13, 20184Sep 13, 20184
The Summer of Love: Its Influence and relevanceIn 1967 a movement occurred called Summer of love that started as a way to unite against mainstream ideas and power in establishments. It…Sep 11, 20181Sep 11, 20181
Are we tired of Superhero movies? A burnoutI remember as a child when Sam Raimi’s Spiderman hit the theaters. It was a big deal of seeing your favourite superhero in a big budget…Sep 10, 20183Sep 10, 20183
A Numb SoulThe night was dim and slow as if it were trying to secure its mystery. The man was immensely tired after the late hours at work. This man…Aug 20, 20181Aug 20, 20181
Are we as rotten as zombies?: Being a living dead in 21st centuryHow do we define a zombie? Mindless. Violent. Slow. Fictional. Fictional? Are they really fictional though? I don’t think so. In the…Aug 20, 20183Aug 20, 20183
Lost in space: Impact of American Sci-Fi Movies to Popular CultureWe live in a world of advanced technology, but as curious being we always imagined far beyond what science has told us. As technology…Aug 20, 20185Aug 20, 20185
Do we really need truth to be fulfilled? Pursuit of finding truth in Se7en and Donnie DarkoWe fear from the things we barely know. However, do we really want the blunt truth? The answer may vary from time to time, but there’s one…Aug 20, 20181Aug 20, 20181
Can Japan change your views of the world?: Harmony in chaosSummer of 2008. After a distressing year of studying for exams, i forcefully convinced my father to make my wish come true, which was…Aug 16, 20181Aug 16, 20181