Overcoming Silence
1 min readAug 27, 2019

The Catholic Church must make these seven changes now

This article was originally published on the ABC website Sunday 24th March 2019

By Francis Sullivan

Many have asked whether the Catholic Church can survive the shock of the conviction of Cardinal George Pell and the impact on its credibility, even utility.

Yet to assume that the institution is exclusively the Church is to miss the point: Cardinal Pell has been sentenced, not Australia’s Catholics.

Believers, and those who identify with the Catholic faith tradition, are the real Church. The institution is but an organised mechanism to give expression to some of that believing community’s social and practical activities.

For the Church to survive, its members need to take responsibility for their future.

“Now is the time for lay Catholics to be actively engaged in the governance of the institution.”


The clerical caste has failed us in its mismanagement of the abuse scandal. The protectionism and closed shop mentality that comes with clericalism is a curse for my Church.

Too many clerics have been too self-interested to seek the health of the Church above their own sense of entitlement and advancement. Organisationally they hold all the cards.

What should be done now?

Overcoming Silence

#overcomingsilence 3 campaign goals for women in leadership and decision making in the Catholic Church! https://overcomingsilence.com/