The Evolution of Calendars

2 min readDec 2, 2015


Calendars and schedules have always played an integral part in every human’s life. Managing it evolved from sharpies on wall-hanging calendars; post-it notes on phones; and reminders on your hands. It is not farfetched to say that a person who does not schedule well is, in some way, is destroying his useful brain cells. Don’t be that person. Use Overlap. It is the future of the calendar. We know how to get you to your meetings, without helicoptering, without hovering, and without throwing a shade.

Seriously though, the tech industry has a long relationship with calendars. Windows made us aware of them. Smartphones made them mobile. Apps helped us combine work and personal. But the persistent problem is that the mechanism for communicating about calendars — email — and the actual calendar are not connected. When we say “connect” we don’t mean connected in the way Outlook connects them, which is to place email and calendar side by side. That doesn’t take away the pain of 20 emails going back and forth. What we mean is, your email doesn’t calendar automatically. That is what we do. We make your email speak to your calendar. We do this with artificial intelligence and natural language processing.

Just to give a little background on the technology and to simplify what artificial intelligence and natural language process mean– there are two types of companies that are competing in this hemisphere. Automation vs. Non Automation. Some companies have taken the non-automation route on it. They have contractors on hand that are pushing out clarification emails and to ensure that the process is run smoothly. Down the road, they might become the company that has hired all of Executive Assistants in one place and all those humans have one job — schedule!.

Overlap (us!) is on the automation track. We are leaving it up to algorithms to handle scheduling and picking up on our preferred locations without having it to specify it every single time. That’s where the Artificial Intelligence and language processing comes in to play because key words are picked up through our language processing algorithms and scheduling takes place automatically.

We promise a simple virtual assistant inside your email. Consider it your email Wall-E, except instead of trash, it picks up threads of conversation related to schedules and organizes them neatly, inside your calendar. Not only that, but replies to the people you’re talking to and tells them when you all can get together and how and where. No more sitting on an email waiting for when. We have automated the role of the secretary; with available dates and times and a preferred location. All to just make your life simpler.

More on us and where we are headed in upcoming weeks!




Intelligent Personal Virtual Assistant for scheduling meetings via email.