Why OverTime?

Gillian Davis
2 min readAug 20, 2017


We believe that leaders aren’t made overnight they are made overtime.

OverTime Leader aims to inspire and enable managers to lead their teams.

We are building a community for those looking to find their authentic leadership style in order to adapt to the future of work.

Content on leadership should be practical and helpful.

To start we have launched a weekly newsletter where we collate different forms of content around a key topic. This is supported by our podcast series where we interview managers and experts who share practical tips, insights and advice.

The next step for us is to create an online community for managers to engage and learn from other managers. We are in *beta* phase so if this sounds like something you’re up for then drop us a line.

Why We Do It:

The key to finding your leadership style is time. Time many managers aren’t given during the 9 to 5 and therefore often use their evenings and weekends (over time) for their personal development. They fall into the trap of doing what they know and using out dated models in an effort to inspire and enable their teams.

Many of us that are given the responsibility to manage or influence a team are often not equipped with the tools, knowledge, training and know-how to do so.

The reality is that there is no ‘one size fits all approach’ to leading people.

As we all know, us humans are a bit complex. We are emotional, sometimes irrational, unpredictable and ‘non binary’.

The traditional work environment were built on systems, this meant that you could make management predictable, binary and devoid of emotion. This systemic approach is in the midst of being challenged and the future of work is built on people.

In order to win in the management game, you need to be adaptable, comfortable with the unknown and ‘be human’.

We have all seen the write ups around ‘Millennials’ and their expectations at work. As much as we don’t like to use labels we can’t deny that next generation is change the way we look at work. They are looking for a sense of purpose, asking ‘why’, looking for reason and expecting balance. In a world so upside down, you can’t blame them for their questions. Managers can chose not to change their ways and stick to the top down delivery (waterfall) approach or they can chose to be different, to try new approaches (agile), challenge the old system and adapt to fit the future.

Which manager do you chose to be?

Who We Are

Our passionate team is led by Gillian Davis; author of ‘First Time Leader: Foundational Tools to Inspire and enable your Team’ and transformational leadership expert.

The OverTime Leader Team.



Gillian Davis

Founder @OverTimeLeader — helping leaders navigate the uncertainty of working in tech | Author: First Time Leader: bit.ly/firsttimeleader |