Digital Experiences (DX) and it’s relevance.

5 min readJul 22, 2020


A digital experience is an interaction between an organisation and its users (customers, employees and partners) that is enabled by digital technologies and platforms.

Digital experiences power digital transformation across processes, functions and models transforming organization’s at scale enabling customer centric companies.

Digital experiences have two key components: they use digital technologies and they provide interaction between a single user and an organization, usually a company. Mobile apps, content, websites, web apps, smart devices, digital IPs, virtual events, interactive experiences etc. all provide digital experiences to customers, partners or employees that are using them to interact with companies.

In today’s digital world, organizations stay competitive by building relationships through communication, which requires speaking and listening.

Organizations use content to speak and data to listen.There are 6.5 connected devices per person today, and most people use multiple devices on their path to purchase and interact. It’s not enough to simply deliver content to each channel – they must coalesce into a consistent, connected, and continuous experience that nurtures people toward a clear outcome.

How to deliver digital experiences

  • Understanding of the current state.
  • Research.
  • Set business goals.
  • Collaboration across internal and external stakeholders.

Why does it matter to you?

Businesses today are about humans across the entire ecosystem, your customers, employees, partners, suppliers are all humans and needs a scalable process to interact with your brand/business and you need to be contextually relevant with them throughout their journey across touchpoints to cut down on the experience gap. Here are few findings from Forbes for your reference.

Two-thirds of global CEOs will start focusing on digital strategies to improve customer experience by the end of 2019. *Seagate

34% of companies have already undergone a digital transformation. *Smart Insights

44% of companies have already moved to a digital-first approach for customer experience. *IDG

56% of CEOs said digital improvements have led to revenue growth. *Gartner

75% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase from a company that knows their name and purchase history and recommends products based on their preferences. *Accenture

More than half of consumers expect a response from customer service within an hour, even on weekends. *Edelman Digital

20.4 billion devices will be connected to the Internet of Things by 2020. *Vxchnge

One-third of all purchases during the 2018 holiday shopping season were made on smartphones. *TechCrunch

79% of consumers have made a purchase using a mobile device in the last six months. *Outer Box Design

80% of consumers look up product information, reviews and prices on their smartphones while shopping in a physical store. *Outer Box Design

By 2020, 25% of customer service operations will use virtual customer assistants like chatbots, up from 2% in 2017. *Gartner

More than 40% of all data analytics projects will relate to customer experience by 2020. *Gartner

Two-thirds of all customer experience initiatives will use IT by 2022, a jump from half in 2017. *Gartner

60% of companies think they’re providing a good mobile experience, but only 22% of consumers feel the same. *Qualtrics

76% of consumers think companies should understand their expectations and needs. *Salesforce

Email is the most commonly used customer service channel, with 54% of consumers using email to contact a company in 2018. *Forrester

An additional 34% of companies say they’ll fully adopt digital transformation in the next 12 months. *Seagate

33% of consumers who ended their relationship with a company last year did so because the experience wasn’t personalized enough. *Accenture

43% of Millennials contact customer service from a mobile device. *Microsoft

40% of customers prefer talking to a real human on the phone for complicated issues. *American Express

79% of Millennials are more willing to buy from brands that have a mobile customer service portal. *Microsoft

90% of consumers expect companies to have an online portal for customer service.*Microsoft

66% of consumers have used three or more communications channels to contact a brand’s customer service. *Microsoft

More than 60% of Americans prefer solving basic customer service issues through a self-service website or app. *American Express

AI spending is expected to total $35.8 billion in 2019, a 44% jump from 2018. *IDC

73% of consumers use more than one channel during their shopping journey. *Harvard Business Review

Omni-channel customers spend 4% more in store and 10% more online than single-channel customers. For every additional channel they use, customer spend more money. *Harvard Business Review

65% of consumers research products online before stepping foot inside a store. *Retail Dive

71% of consumers want a consistent experience across all channels, but only 29% say they actually get it. *Gladly

42% of consumers’ total time spent online is on mobile devices. *Stone Temple

53% of people will abandon a mobile site if it takes longer than three seconds to load. *Google Marketing Platform

57% of people won’t recommend a business if its website isn’t designed well for mobile use. *Sweor

63% of Millennials start their customer service interactions online. *Microsoft

72% of customers expect companies to know their purchase history regardless of what method of communication they used, such as chat, phone or email. *NICE

9 out of 10 consumers want an omnichannel experience with seamless service between communication methods. *UC Today

84% of customer-centric companies focus on the mobile customer experience. *Vision Critical

63% of consumers are satisfied getting service from a chatbot, as long as they have the option to move the conversation to a human if needed. *Forrester

76% of companies are investing in emerging technology. *Accenture

15% of all customer service interactions will be handled solely by AI in 2021, a 400% increase from 2017. *Gartner

31% of companies have invested in AI in an effort to get ahead of the competition. *Accenture

The experience economy

The term "Experience Economy" was first used in a 1998 article by B. Joseph Pine II and James H. Gilmore describing the experience economy as the next economy following the agrarian economy, the industrial economy, and the most recent service economy.

Using Pine and Gilmore’s Experience Realm as a framework we can see how businesses can connect with humans more efficiently and effectively across the users journey.

KPIs (Key performance indicators)

Businesses need to set their business goals and measure them constantly to enable successful digital experiences. Metrics can vary based on the type of business, function, process or model however here are few KPIs that can come handy CAC(Customer acquisition cost) ,CPL (cost per lead), CLV (customer lifetime value), etc .

How can we help?

We believe in a rapid, remote and risk free process built at a unique mix of our products, services and a vetted network of gig (variable) workforce (man- machine ecosystem) to design and deliver data driven digital experiences at scale across touchpoints as connnected commerce has taken over already. Get in touch with us at




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