My Favourite Operating System

Owais Ahmed
5 min readDec 18, 2022

There is no doubt that we live in a time when we would be astounded to see how far we have come in just a few years! The level of technological advancement in just a few years makes it difficult to believe that everything we do so easily on our phones and laptops is actually done by an operating system.

Now a question arises, what is an operating system? Although defining an operating system in a single sentence is very challenging, in layman’s terms, we can say that an operating system can be considered as the brain of a computer. Just like a human brain an Operating System also helps in the proper functioning of all computer operations.

Types Of Operating System

There are many different types of operating systems which are used in millions of electronic devices around the world. Some popular OS are given below

  1. Windows operating system
  2. Linux operating system
  3. Android operating system
  4. IOS operating system

Every operating system has benefits and drawbacks, which determine whether a user prefers it or not. My personal favourite is IOS for both my laptop and mobile device.

Now another question arises, what is an IOS operating system?

Apple Inc. created IOS, originally known as iPhone OS or iPhone Operating System, as its mobile operating system for the iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, and Apple TV. iOS is the second most well-liked and frequently used mobile operating system after Android.

There are multiple reasons as to why I chose IOS instead of other operating systems. Some of them are given below

1. Easy To Use

Since iOS doesn’t offer any user interface modification, the iPhones are incredibly simple to operate and easier for novice users to understand. As a result of the UI’s increased simplicity, consumers grow accustomed to it. In order to prevent user confusion when using iPhones, it does not offer several options. On the other hand, Android offers a wide range of choices for customising and altering the appearance of the user interface.

2. Regular Updates:

Since all devices receive updates on the same day, Apple is renowned for having a superior update schedule. Without exception, all devices receive updates on the same day. Instead of synchronising with Google, the developers of Android smartphones schedule upgrades based on their own priorities. This could be the case because the majority of the brand’s flavours are sent to the current Android version while being modified for the next upgrade.

3. Apple Echo System:

The Apple Echo system is the third and most significant benefit of the iOS operating system. Our home or office’s apple gadgets may be connected to one another to form an echo system, which elevates multitasking to a new level. When utilizing many devices at once, the Apple echo system comes in quite handy since it creates an echo system and makes data transfer across devices a breeze.

4. M1 Chip coming in latest laptops and Ipad:

In comparison to the Intel CPUs used in previous-generation computers, the M1 chip offers up to 3.5x faster CPU speed, up to 6x faster GPU performance, and up to 15x faster machine learning capabilities.

4. Security and Encryption:

Apple’s iOS and iPhones are built in a way that no one can get into it without the user’s permission. The memory on the iPhone is encrypted so that one can’t hack the device and read the confidential data. On iPhone X, the fingerprint id and the Face Id are stored directly into the phone instead of the cloud server. The iPhones cannot be easily jailbroken, and if so, we can configure the iOS applications to not be used within a jailbroken device. On the other hand, the Android can be easily rooted and hacked. Android lacks in terms of security.

5. Blotware Free Experience:

Apple is worth its price since it doesn’t come with any bloatware that isn’t required. Additionally, it offers the choice to uninstall several pre-installed programmes. However, we can only get rid of the bloatware if we root the smartphone.

6. Authentic Applications:

Before being made available on the App store, an iOS application must pass a number of inspections. Nobody is able to hack paid apps from the App store. Apple reviews applications that are submitted on Appstore Connect in accordance with very secure and high-quality policies. So that we can only download top-notch apps for the iPhone device, the submitted iOS app must be responsive and adhere to Apple standards while it is displayed on the screen. Apple has also improved the review process, and any iOS application can now be downloaded from the App Store only after one working day (if not rejected in review).

As there are many advantages of ios system there are many flaws as well,

The first and very big flaw is the devices are very costly and you have to spend hundreds of dollars buying these devices.

The second flawa is not any external storage support like sd card apple devices donot allow any sd card due to security issues and this bounds the user to use only the provided storage.


To sum up everything that has been stated for we can say that every operating system is good in its frame of work and IOS is also not a perfect operating system it also has its flaws and advantages, but it is my personal favourite many reader will disagree with me but it is my personal opinion and everyone’s opinion is different so I’m not saying that the other OS are not good but I’ll choose IOS over any other operating system any day.

