Create a mobile App with phonegap and backendless

owais raza
4 min readFeb 20, 2019


In this article we are going to create mobile application with phonegap and Backendless. Backendless is BaaS platform it provides backend as a service and phonegap is technology that help you build hybrid application with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Prerequisites Phonegap must be installed on your computer if you don’t have phonegap you can install it using instruction in

Lets start with creating a phonegap project I am doing it using CLI to create phonegap project we need to write following commands

phonegap -g create nameofapp

Creating phonegap project with name tutorialapp

Once we have created project below is directory structure of the project

Directory structure of project

Now we have created the project now lets see how we integrate backendless with this project

Follow the steps below

  1. Go to the backendless website
  2. If you already have account click login other wise register
Login or Register accordingly

3. Once you registered or logged in now you will see a dashboard as shown below

backendless dashboard

The sidebar where all functionalities that backendless provide are available we are going to use third option form this side bar which is database

4. Click on 3rd item in sidebar you will see dashboard as shown below

Database Dashboard

You can add table from the dashboard or you can also do it with coding that we will also see here

4. Once we have logged now we will download project template from top of the page

Downloading Project Template

5. We will select JS javascript and click next

Downloading Project Template

6. We will select HTML-JS and click download and project will be download that you will extract it

Final step of Downloading project template

7. When you will extract downloaded zip you will see a folder created with the name of app you will go to src->js and copy backendless.js and paste it to www->js in your phonegap project

8. Now create a main.js file in www->js where we can code the logic for application

8. Now lets code main.js to create a table and add something in that table


first we will initialize app id and key which will be provided to us on dashboard the we initialize app with initApp method that takes two parameter then we have created a method addObject in which we have created a table namely TestTable and then we have saved an object with two properties name and mail and we have used promise and catch to show any error


This is simple index.html we have added backendless.js and main.js and created a button that invokes method addObject when it is clicked

Before clicking button
After Clicking Button
Data added to the backendless database

For more operation on backendless follow the documentation

I will also write next tutorial on how to apply CRUD operation with backendless database

